Costa Rica OP DAY

Thank you @inbest for bringing us closer to this world of possibilities, understanding how there are mechanisms to win, transact and decide as part of the community, thank you for sharing in a clear and simple way all these new concepts that I must recognize some new concepts. Thank you for taking the time to spread knowledge AND THANK YOU FOR MY REWARD OP… I am new to the optimist community and I love what I see…


hey! nice to see you here! to give some context! juliette was the winner of the Learn to Earn contest on the OPDay #1 i hope you are still holding you OP tokens and thanks for coming here to validate that you got your OP Reward!


A Smashing Success for Blockchain and Open Source Development Workshop, in collaboration with Daniel Bejarano, and the sponsor of ONLY DUST. We hosted a workshop on Blockchain and open source development at CENFOTEC University in Costa Rica on Saturday, March 16th. The event, which drew over 100 developers and introduced them to open source code and the optimism ecosystem and it was a resounding success.

The workshop provided an opportunity for developers in the region to learn about these emerging technologies and how to apply them in their projects.

In my talk “Blockchains and Decentralized Organizations: A New Paradigm for Managing and Exchanging Value”, I shared my experience as an engineer applying and researching blockchain technologies. We explored the technical foundations of blockchain technology, its potential to revolutionize the way we interact on the internet, and the opportunities it offers for creating more transparent, efficient, and secure decentralized organizations.

In the second part of the talk, we delved deeper into the Optimism ecosystem and its governance. We discussed the different types of grants available, such as general grants and the RPGF, and how developers can take advantage of the opportunities offered by the ecosystem.

Video: [Video] Alberto Daniel Galán Boscán on LinkedIn: Un éxito rotundo en el taller sobre Blockchain y desarrollo de código…

This was an ideal opportunity to introduce the university to the Optimism ecosystem. Thanks to the talk, CENFOTEC, with my support, is applying for a mission grant to implement a course on the Optimism ecosystem in its university module.

We thank CENFOTEC University for their support and for providing the facilities for the workshop. Their initiative in supporting and promoting technological advancement in the region is commendable.

Here are some key takeaways from the workshop:

  • Over 100 developers participated in the workshop, demonstrating a strong interest in blockchain and open source technologies in the region.

  • The workshop provided participants with an opportunity to learn about the technical fundamentals of blockchain technology, its potential to revolutionize the way we interact on the internet, and the opportunities it offers for creating decentralized organizations.

  • The CENFOTEC University got interested on the Optimism Ecosystem

  • The talk “Blockchains and Decentralized Organizations: A New Paradigm for Managing and Exchanging Value” was well-received by the participants.

This workshop was a great success and a step forward for the blockchain community in Costa Rica.

For more information about the workshop, you can visit:

We hope to see you at the next workshop!

PD: Special thanks to all the OP members that have been guiding me on this process, like @Pumbi and @brichis. their support has been very valuable and has allowed me to continue to spread everything i learn about the optimism governance model.


OPDay#3: Bridging the Community to Optimism Opportunities in Costa Rica!

San José, Costa Rica - Last Thursday, April 11th, the OPDay#3 was successfully held in Costa Rica, an event organized by Inbest with the aim of bringing developers and users closer to the opportunities offered by the superchain.

The event, which took place in the Sendero auditorium, Escalante neighborhood, thanks to the support of CriptoCantina and Asoblockchain, featured Alfredo, a renowned developer and team member of CheckMyTicket (now, who served as the main speaker. @brolag

On this occasion, the opportunity was taken to present the great opportunities that Optimism offers to the developer and user community in Costa Rica.

Key Highlights of OPDay#3:

*** Optimism Presentation:** Alfredo offered a comprehensive introduction to Optimism, highlighting its main features, benefits, and potential for the future of decentralized applications (DApps).

*** OptimismGov Opportunities:** The different ways in which users can participate in Optimism governance through OptimismGov, the network’s decentralized governance platform, were discussed.

*** RPGF Focus:** The RPGF (Retroactive Public Goods Funding) was presented, a funding program that supports the development of public goods on Optimism, and the new approach that these next rounds will have was mentioned.

  • The opportunities for developers and communities to submit proposals and receive funding for their projects were explained.

*** OptimismGrants Opportunities:** The OptimismGrants program was presented, an initiative that offers funding to projects that seek to build on Optimism. Information was provided on the application process and the different types of GRANTS available, such as Builders or Growth Grants.

*** Superchain Presentation:** The concept of superchain was explained and how Optimism integrates with the Ethereum mainnet, offering greater scalability and lower transaction costs.

*** Mission GRANTS Application Process:** A live demonstration of the application process for Mission GRANTS was conducted, an initiative that seeks to support projects that contribute to the growth of the Optimism ecosystem.

*** OP Tokens Delegation:** The importance of delegating OP Tokens to participate in Optimism governance was explained, and a guide on how to delegate tokens securely was provided.

*** Optimism for Creators:** Alfredo has created his Podcast On-Chain using ZORA “proof of podcast” and he used this as an example on how creators can leverage the Superchain as well!

*** OPDay#4 Announcement:** The OPDay#4 was announced to take place in May, with the aim of bringing this information to more developers and users in Costa Rica.

Here’s a Twitter Thread with the Event Highlights:


The event was supported by CriptoCantina, a project of the Asociación Blockchain de Costa Rica (AsoBlockchainCR), and sponsored by InBestProgram. The Optimism community in Costa Rica is grateful to everyone who made OPDay#3 a success.

We are also grateful to all those who inform Spanish-speaking communities about these topics, as this has allowed us to understand, grow, and continue to expand the reach of information.

If you are passionate about the future of Superchain and want to be part of the Optimism community in Costa Rica, we invite you to follow us on our social networks:


Together, we can build a more decentralized and open future for everyone!


We had a great time! Thanks @InbestProgram for the opportunity.


Thank you very much for another exceptional event and for sharing your extensive knowledge with us!!

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Thank you for your support! i invite everyone here to check out @brolag podcast on the superchain! Proof Of Podcast - 01 - Cómo encontrar oportunidades en Web3