Community Discussion w/Jesse from Base! [Date TBA]

Hello Optimists, exciting news! :red_circle: :sparkles:

Qe will be having a live SUPERCHAIN THEMED Community Call on Discord with Jesse from Base. There are also rumors that the great Ben Jones may be present as well. :eyes:

We’ll be talking about the OP Stack, Base, cross-chain interoperability, and a future with Optimism and Base building the Superchain together. :large_blue_circle: :red_circle:

The talk will take place on Discord in the #gov-chat channel on a time TBA, we will create a discord event once we have a time confirmed.

Being a community call, we need your help! Any questions you’d like to ask Jesse or topics you’d like to be discussed, comment below in this thread. Also, given that this is bound to be such a great discussion, it would be awesome if we could work together to broadcast this call to our individual networks/communities. :mega:

Can’t wait to see you all there!
Michael :sparkling_heart:


I’m looking forward to it.I think it’s going to be a great thing

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