Add Ability to Cancel Withdrawal Request after Submitting in the Official Optimism Bridge


Currently, once a transaction is confirmed to withdraw through the Optimism bridge, completion of the withdrawal takes 7 days. During these 7 days, a withdrawal request cannot be canceled. This proposal is to add a method of canceling a withdrawal request into the protocol.


The help center referencing withdrawal cancelation implies that the development team at what has become the Optimism Foundation was considering adding withdrawal cancelation functionality. Link to archive of this page, originally posted start of December 2021.

The main motivation is improving UX. Once a user chooses to bridge with the official bridge, they are locked into that decision, even as the information that led to that decision changes. If a user bridges on the official bridge, then discovers they didn’t need to, the experience of having funds locked for a week is very frustrating. This frustration isn’t just emotional, but financial, as tokens are constantly changing in price, and may result in financial loss in certain cases.


True. And as much I support this, I simply urge the protocol to ensure confirmation clicks are displayed twice … something like “are you sure you want to proceed?”
I want to believe everyone is aware about the withdrawal lock period and with it announced, comes the option to choose whether to go on with it or not. If need be, think it twice. I really hope Optimism can also permit the request to cancel should there be change of mind, but pending the time, they can start with allowing two confirmations.

Peace :heart: :v:


Great proposal! Would love to have this kind of feature in the optimism ecosystem!

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To agree. A week is too long find another alternative