Voting Roundup Cycle 11

For non-grant proposals only. All grant proposals will be processed by the Grants Council according to the process outlined here

Cycle 11 began on Thursday (March 2nd) at 19:00 GMT and runs until Wednesday (April 5th) at 19:00 GMT.

For a non-grant proposal to proceed to Week 4, four delegates, each with >0.5% of the current votable token supply, must give explicit approval on the discussion thread. Delegates may not approve their own proposals. After a non-grant proposal has received four delegate approvals, the proposal author should update the proposal title from [Draft] to [Final] and add a link to their proposal in the Voting Cycle Roundup thread by the last day of Week 3 at 19:00 GMT (12:00p PST). Proposals that may only be initiated by the Foundation do not require delegate approvals and will automatically move to a vote.

A snapshot of delegate voting weights will be taken at the start of the vote window. Voting will take place via the Optimism Governance Portal during Week 4 of the Cycle.

For a detailed breakdown of the governance and voting process, please see the updated Operating Manual

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