Voting Cycle #2: Roundup

There are a few things I think that were missed here:

Mean Finance - The approval link quoted is that of the proposer and not of a delegator ([READY][GF: Phase 1 Proposal] Mean Finance - #25 by 0xged)

Raptor - I am unsure but I believe some people took back their support for Raptor after further discussion ([READY] [GF: Phase 1 Proposal] Raptor - #49 by OPUser)

Infinity Wallet - I believe it had support from @OPUser [READY] [GF: Phase 1 Proposal] Infinity Wallet - #14 by OPUser

Don’t think I missed anyone else!

Edit: There was also possibly [READY] [GF: Phase 1 Proposal] Beefy - #14 by MoneyManDoug as Beefy did reduce, but not sure!