Voting Cycle #1: Roundup

Hello. I would like to document my votes here.

Proposal A

I will vote reject even though it seems to be almost unanimously passed in the snapshot. I don’t like rubber-stamping anything. Governance is not just logging in snapshot and signing a YES or NO message.

In fact I find it insulting and I will reject the proposal outright for that. Yes some projects in there do make sense and would really benefit OP ecosystem such as HOP, connext and aave, but you are asking us to vote for 24 different projects all in one proposal, yes or no.

In fact I am absolutely amazed this is passing governance.

Proposal B

I will vote to reject this proposal from uniswap, since it has missed the phase 0 deadline.

I would be open to reconsidering a phase 1 proposal from uniswap since I truly think it would be useful and am a fan of the project.
But rules are rules and we should be credibly neutral and fair.

Proposal C

Just like with uniswap’s proposal I will vote to reject this proposal since it has missed the deadline and we should not bend the rules for anybody.

I am also not 100% certain if the proposal would end up benefiting the OP ecosystem sufficiently, but this is mostly an after-thought compared to the deadline being missed.