Security Council Self Nomination: Alchemy

Security Council Nomination Template - Cohort B

Please comment your completed nomination here following the instructions at the top.

Security Council Member Self-Nomination Template

As a reminder, all nominations will require 8 Top 100 delegate approvals to be considered valid.

Please link to your Optimist Profile or Organization ID here. All candidates are required to create an Optimist Profile by following the steps at and sharing their profile link below.

Organization ID : Alchemy

Does this nomination represent an individual or organization: organization

Please link to any contributions that demonstrate you meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the Security Council Charter:

  • Technical competency. We’ve been proud to partner with the OP ecosystem since before OP Mainnet launched and helped power the OP public endpoint during the OP token launch. We’ve supported some of the biggest applications building on the Superchain over the years, and now through Alchemy Rollups power many OP chains. We have many years of experience running and securing op-stack infrastructure.

  • Reputation. The Alchemy team is compromised of some of the leading technical and security experts on EVM infrastructure. We’ve expanded our contributions to include OSS, and have helped drive the user transition from L1 to rollups and from EOAs to smart accounts. Alchemy is the most widely used infrastructure provider in the OP ecosystem.

  • Geographic diversity. Alchemy has full time employees in multiple countries. Indeed, the Alchemy multisig used to secure Alchemy Rollups has many of the same requirements as the OP security council and the multisig itself would be an ideal member in a future composite multisig setup for the OP security council.

  • Diversity of interests. This is the only application associated with Alchemy, and the only application submitted by any employees or affiliates of the Alchemy.

  • Alignment. Participants should not possess conflicts of interest that will regularly impact their ability to make impartial decisions in the performance of their role.

Alchemy has been continuing to growing the onchain ecosystem and developing the superchain through our product offerings and our open source contributions. We’ve announced grants such as the WAGBI program for onchain developers, power some of the biggest teams in the OP ecosystem like World Chain, and have committed to support the biggest teams in the space. Additionally we’ve open sourced our account abstraction infrastructure and audited smart contract accounts to further progress the public domain.

Please disclose any anticipated conflicts of interest: If you are a top 25 delegate in another ecosystem, hold an elected position in another DAO, and/or are a multisig signer in another community please disclose here.

We do not hold any other elected positions but we do work with other chain ecosystems.


Please verify that you have no conflicts of interest:

  • I have no conflicts of interest

Please verify that you understand you may be removed from this role via the Representative Removal proposal type in the Operating Manual

  • I understand

Please verify that you understand that election is subject to successful completion of a Foundation screen which may include KYC/AML, sanctions screening, and a requirement to sign a standard contract:

  • I understand

Please verify that you are able to commit ~5 active hours / month to fulfill the Member Responsibilities. Please note that there is an “on-call” aspect to this role that is not fully encompassed in the active hours estimate:

  • I am able to commit ~5 active hours per month to Security Council operations

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I am an Optimism delegate with sufficient voting power and I believe this is a candidate ready to move to an election.

We are an Optimism delegate with sufficient voting power and we believe this proposal is ready to move to a vote

I am an Optimism delegate with sufficient voting power and I believe this proposal is ready to move to a vote.

I am an Optimism delegate with sufficient voting power and I believe this is a candidate ready to move to an election.

It’s nice to see Alchemy applying! How are the signers selected within the organization? How do you ensure individual accountability for actions taken by the members chosen?

I am an Optimism delegate with sufficient voting power and I believe this proposal is ready to move to a vote.

We have worked with the Alchemy team in the past to address security issues, and we find their team to be responsive and thoughtful.

We are an Optimism delegate with sufficient voting power and we believe this proposal is ready to move to a vote.

Hey Gonna, great question. As mentioned in the post, we’d ideally like to use our internal multisig as a signer on the security council. Until composite multisigs are supported, we’ve identified key individuals with the necessary skillsets and backgrounds to securely handle the signers. We’ll select one and make this a core component of their job function to drive accountability. In general, we practice security through anonymity and so Alchemy will be responsible to the OP Foundation for security council operations but we’d prefer not to name any explicit signer owners for their personal safety.

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We are an Optimism Delegate with sufficient voting power, and believe this proposal is ready to move to a vote.

That is enough for me thank you, and I did not intend to know the signer’s name.

I am an Optimism delegate with sufficient voting power and I believe this proposal is ready to move to a vote.

I am an Optimism delegate with sufficient voting power and I believe this proposal is ready to move to a vote.