Season 7 Nominations: Reviewer on the Milestone and Metric Council

Please link to your Optimist Profile or Organization ID here. All candidates are required to create an Optimist Profile by following the steps at and sharing their profile link below.

Example answers: or

Please link to any contributions that demonstrate you meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the Charter for the Milestone and Metrics Reviewers:

Participants on the Milestones and Metrics Council should meet the following criteria:

Please disclose any anticipated conflicts of interest: If you are a top 25 delegate in another ecosystem, hold an elected position in another DAO, and/or are a multisig signer in another community please disclose here.


Please verify that you have no conflicts of interest:

  • I have no conflicts of interest

Please verify that you understand you may be removed from this role via the Representative Removal proposal type in the Operating Manual:

  • I understand

Please verify that you understand KYC will be required to receive Council rewards at the end of Season 7:

  • I understand

Please verify that you understand you’ll need to sign an agreement with the Foundation prior to onboarding:

  • I understand

Please verify you understand you’ll be responsible for delivering grants in accordance with the Collective Grant Policies and following any reporting / accounting requirements set by the Foundation:

  • I understand

Please verify that you are able to commit ~15 hours / week to Council operations:

  • I am able to commit 15 amount of hours per week / month to Council operations

What Does This Mean for Delegates?

Reviewers will be elected via approval voting in Special Voting Cycle #31b (January 9th - 15th) (full details in the Season 7 Reflection Period Guide). Approval voting is a mechanism that allows each delegate to vote for as many nominees as they choose with equal voting power. The nominees with the highest percentage of approval votes will be elected to the Council. Please note this policy in Optimist Expectations:

In the case of approval/ranked choice elections, delegates may vote for themselves, so long as they also cast votes for the remaining elected positions.

Example: I can vote for my own candidacy on the Final Reviewer team of the Grants Council, so long as I also cast 3 additional votes (a total of 4 votes, as there are 4 open positions on this team.)