Please link to your Optimist Profile or Organization ID here. All candidates are required to create an Optimist Profile by following the steps at and sharing their profile link below.
Please link to any contributions that demonstrate you meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the Charter for the specific Grants Council team you’re applying for:
Eligibility Criteria for Final Reviewer :
Over the past 5 years, I’ve gained the skillset and context to be able to review and prioritize key proposals that will be able to drive Stablecoin TVL across the Superchain
As the co-lead of Superchain Eco, I’ve spent nearly all of the past 18 months covering anything related to Superchain. I mapped all OP Stack chains and projects, created ecosystem insights such as the Ecosystem Map and over 70 weekly Superchain newsletters, and co-hosted the Super Contributor cohort and Optimism Contributor Essential MOOCs.
Before my role at Superchain Eco, I spent three years supporting Web3 start-ups in their operation, including being a lead analyst for PrimeDAO in 2022. I also managed a seven-figure onchain fund for Flagship, leveraging various DeFi protocols to maximize returns. This required me to regularly analyze and review protocols for their tokenomics, liquidity options, and overall performance.
Finally, I have experience submitting proposals to Optimism Governance, granting me additional context about what goes through applicants’ minds when proposing and proficiency with the review frameworks.
My current commitment to the Superchain and previous experience provide me with all the requirements of a human expert as defined in the Decision Design Framework, making me a great candidate for the role of Final Reviewer.
- Leadership level vision
- Professional-level analytics
- High Context on Collective Values
Please disclose any anticipated conflicts of interest: If you are a top 25 delegate in another ecosystem, hold an elected position in another DAO, and/or are a multisig signer in another community please disclose here.
- Currently on the Ancient 8 Grants Council
Please verify that you understand you may be removed from this role via the Representative Removal proposal type in the Operating Manual
I understand
Please verify that you understand KYC will be required to receive Council rewards at the end of Season 7:
I understand
Please verify that you understand you may need to sign an agreement with the Foundation prior to onboarding:
I understand
Please verify that you are able to commit
~40 hours per month (10 hours per week) for the Final Reviewer role