Season 6 Nominations: Developer Advisory Board

Developer Advisory Board Self-Nomination Template

Please keep your answers as concise as possible while conveying all relevant information.

If you are a delegate, please provide the link to your delegate profile:


If you are a delegate, please indicate what % of votable supply is delegated to you:


If you are a delegate, please indicate your voting participation rate in OP governance to date:


Please link to your voting history and any voting rationale you’ve shared: (You may link to your Snapshot and/or Agora profile for voting history. You may link to your delegate communication thread, or any other medium you use to communicate with your delegators, to share your voting rationale.)


Are you a representative of OP Labs:


Please elaborate on your technical background. Please include information about the layer of the stack you have the most expertise on:

I got here the long way:

  • I left my Wall Street job disgusted with TradFi and became a nomad in Southeast Asia where I paid for my street food by writing scripts to arb the NYSE open (the original MEV iykyk)
  • I worked as a webdev, backend eng for a bit, got bored, found crypto - new life
  • Was a protocol eng at Yield with Mr. Alcueca who stoked my interest in security from the start
  • Somehow found myself hanging out with an odd group of characters that called themselves “Huffoors” - Once I got Huff-pilled I started Huff-pilling others and that’s how I earned the title of Chief Pharmacist at Huff :pill:
  • Transitioned fully into security, did a lot of security reviews for several different organizations over the last couple years, now I’m independent
  • Most comfortable in the application layer, decent exposure to the consensus layer

Optimism is my favorite chain. I still dev passion projects and OSS. When I need to deploy anything it goes on OP Mainnet - most recent thing I deployed is the admin contracts for the Huffathon CTF challenges.

Please demonstrate any non-Optimism experience you believe is relevant to this role:

I think primarily my protocol dev, smart contract security, and EVM low-level experience is the most relevant to this role.

Have you previously served in a representative (appointed or elected) role in the Collective? If so, please specify which:

No, I was asked previously but unable to commit at that time.

Please outline your contributions, and their impact, to the Optimism ecosystem to date:

My contributions have primarily been as a user and dev on the chain. I keep up to date technically on Optimism through my relationships with some of the core dev and security team. I am super bullish on the ecosystem, mostly because of the people behind it.

Please describe your philosophy on what makes a good Mission Application:

As much as I like cool and experimental, the project needs to be first and foremost useful and beneficial to community and the future of the ecosystem. Strongly aligned with Collective intent. And of course, security of must be a top priority - definitely worthy of mentioning during the application process.

Please demonstrate your ability to explain complex technical topics to a non-technical audience:

Exhibit A, watch as I masterfully describe the inner-workings of the EVM and the basics of Huff language to a rowdy group of middle-schoolers.

As autistic as I am, I can actually communicate when I put my mind to it, at least that’s the feedback I’ve gotten from others.

Please disclose any anticipated conflicts of interest: If you are a top 25 delegate in another ecosystem, hold an elected position in another DAO, and/or are a multisig signer in another community please disclose here.

Good news, no conflicts!

Please verify that you understand you may be removed from this role via the Representative Removal proposal type in the Operating Manual


Please verify that you understand KYC will be required to receive Council rewards at the end of Season 6:


Please verify that you are able to commit ~7 hours / week to Board operations:

I’m unemployed, I can commit 70 hours / week.

BONUS QUESTION: Are you interested in the Ops Lead or Upgrade Czar roles? If so, please share relevant experience and one idea you have for how the role could contribute to the collective.

I have strengths that lend themselves to Ops Lead and I would be interested in helping out with that.

  • I often serve as lead on projects I am involved with which has given me a lot of experience with scheduling, interfacing, and project organization in general. I was the lead organizer of the Huffathon last Fall which really put these skills to the test but resulted in success.
  • Wrt spreadsheets, I am a former professional competitive spreadsheeter - Like most boomers, I live and die by spreadsheets
  • As for process improvements, those who know me know that this is something I am extremely passionate about: process improvement, effectiveness, efficiency. Even if not selected as an Ops Lead I would love to be involved and help out with this.