Season 6 Nominations: Developer Advisory Board

Developer Advisory Board

If you are a delegate, please provide the link to your delegate profile:

If you are a delegate, please indicate what % of votable supply is delegated to you:
0% (still waiting for past OP grants to be delegated)

If you are a delegate, please indicate your voting participation rate in OP governance to date:
N/A (I’m participating in the forum, tokens were not delegated yet)

Please link to your voting history and any voting rationale you’ve shared:

Are you a representative of OP Labs:

Please elaborate on your technical background. Please include information about the layer of the stack you have the most expertise on:

My biggest interest is in governance and security. I have background on different stacks, from backend to data science, frontend and also smart contract. This gives me a holistic view and understand architecture and requirements easily.

More of context:

  • Founder and ED at blockful, were I lead a team of 15, 10 being developers. During these last 2 year I had a lot of experience delivering smart contracts, E2E dapps and also governance, which is our main focus.
  • Working on the integration of ENS with L2, which gives me context about the Op stack and other rollups.
  • Was doing computer science but dropout to focus on Blockful.
  • I have already done more than 30 hackathons, 10 of which I was on the winning team (usually with the blockful team).

Please demonstrate any non-Optimism experience you believe is relevant to this role:

  • Backend developer at B2B SaaS Startup
  • Data engineer at Real Estate startup
  • Fullstack engineer at TecBan (tradfi infrastructure)
  • Backend engineer at B2B fintech
  • Deeply involved in the ENS community, being one of the major delegates and recently doing a research on governance risk that ended-up on the creation of a security council. I’m passionate about governance and also really curious, which makes me

Have you previously served in a representative (appointed or elected) role in the Collective?

Please outline your contributions, and their impact, to the Optimism ecosystem to date:

  • Still not finished: Scale ENS to Op.
  • Some interactions on the forum, but casual since I have responsibilities which I’m commited.
  • If elected, this will mark the beginning of my direct involvement and contributions to the Optimism ecosystem, I’ll take it with great responsibility.

Please describe your philosophy on what makes a good Mission Application:

  • How will they approach the mission request.
  • Why they should be selected, what’s unique about the team to be able to deliver the scope successfully?
  • Clear KPIs and milestones (ideal should be specifying milestone in github projects, totally public)
  • Links and github to provide more context.
  • Cohesive and succint, make it easy and taking in consideration the time those who are reviewing the application.

Please demonstrate your ability to explain complex technical topics to a non-technical audience:

  • Already gave blockchain introduction classes at 3 universities and 1 MBA.
  • Chainlink bootcamp professor at ETH Denver 2023 and SmartCon 2023.
  • ENS bootcamp professor at ETH Samba 2024.
  • Talk about EIP-3668 at Belgrade blockchain week 2024
  • Speaker in multiple events
    • Banks
    • Stock exchange (B3)
    • Brazilian Central Bank

Please disclose any anticipated conflicts of interest: If you are a top 25 delegate in another ecosystem, hold an elected position in another DAO, and/or are a multisig signer in another community please disclose here.

Please verify that you understand you may be removed from this role via the Representative Removal proposal type in the Operating Manual :
Yes, I understand.

Are you interested in the Ops Lead or Upgrade Czar roles? If so, please share relevant experience and one idea you have for how the role could contribute to the collective.

Please verify that you understand KYC will be required to receive Council rewards at the end of Season 6:
Yes, I’m already KYCed in the Optimism Foundation because of pasts grants approval.

Please verify that you are able to commit ~20 hours / month to Board operations:
I can commit ~20 hours / month to Board operations.