Recap: 13th Op Community Governance Call January 17th

As always, I really enjoyed talking shop with my fellow gov nerds!

Recording is here: Jan 17 Gov Call Recording

Summary of discussion:


Thank you for sharing these informations


Great progress, Thanks


Awesome man. Thanks for sharing this.


follow and be great about OP Gov!


Great. Looking forward to more updates.

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As much as I love the ample amount of information in weekly community calls it feels like sometimes there is not enough time to respond or add additional questions to each topic after it is discussed.
The meetings are always so brief and when I want to respond to something or ask a question without opening my microphone it’s already too late because the discussion has moved onto the next topic already by the time I have finished writing my question in text form.

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That is good feedback, making a mental note for the next call to slow it down a bit. Any suggestions you might have?

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Maybe a mid point during each topic for q & a discussion or just a brief recap of the topic to add an extra 60 seconds for folks to respond or chime in. It can be really difficult to wrap my head around the discussion and coming up with a question even when I am ready for it. The time spent waiting for people to respond may seem like forever but may help include extra added value for the conversation.

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Wow it’s great.i hope this project will go…

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Thanks m friend that so nice

Awesome works, keep going :clap: