Optimism Community Call Recaps & Recordings Thread

Token House Call: August 27th, 2024

Recording: august_27_2024_token_house_call

Slides: August 27th, 2024 Token House call slides

  • Upgrade Proposal #10: Granite Network Upgrade:
    • This upgrade is proposed in response to security vulnerabilities identified during a series of third-party security audits and lower severity issues will be planned in future upgrades.
    • The specification for the proposed changes can be found in the specs repo.
    • This upgrade resets user withdrawals. Any proof submissions within the last 7 days from the upgrade will be invalid and they will have to resubmit the proofs.
    • If you have any questions about this upgrade there will be office hours this Thursday at 14:00, check the OP Governance calendar.
  • Proposal Title: Rolling Mission Requests
    • This proposal requests that the Token House allow the Grants Council to create and submit rolling Mission Requests, using unallocated budget from Intent 3A. These Requests will focus on initiatives that directly contribute to Intent 3A and will be subject to full approval by the Token House.
  • Retro Funding 5: Application Form Changes
    • Organizations were introduced in order to assess the issue of having individual applications overloaded with too many different projects.
    • individuals can still submit their project application as normally.
  • Retro Funding 5: Grants & Funding within the application process
    • Projects applying for Retro Funding 5 will be required to report grants received from the Optimism Foundation, Token House or Citizens’ House since January 2023, funding received in exchange for equity since January 2020 and if their product/service it’s paid projects will be asked to report the pricing model for their product/service.
    • Other grants and revenue are not verifiable so there’s no need to report those.
  • Superchain Grants Review Process
    • Every proposal will be evaluated based on 15 yes/no questions.
    • Only live chains will be considered.
    • Grant cap is set at 3M OP, the hard cap is the limit not the standard grant size.
  • Cycle 26 Grants Preliminary Review Report
  • Voting Cycle Roundup #26
    • Remember to submit your votes on Upgrade Proposal #10: Granite Network Upgrade and Security Council Lead before August 28th 19:00 GMT.
    • Security Council members voting ends September 1st, quorum has not been reached yet.

The Code of conduct council just published its Internal Operating procedures. The first Office Hours will be August 29th at 10:00 ET.