Optimism Community Call Recaps & Recordings Thread

Token House Call #36: March 12th, 2024

Recording link: March 12th 2024 Token House Recording.mp4 - Google Drive

Slides link: March 12th, 2024 Token House call slides - Google Slides

  • Proposals #5 and #6 passed Token House and are currently in Citizens House veto period which ends tomorrow. Proposal #5 should activate on March 14th 00:00 UTC.
  • We are currently in Voting cycle #20 review period without any proposals actively going on.
  • Agora is now posting bi-weekly changelog updates onto their website. To see all major and minor updates: Agora Changelog
  • We had Lavande talking about The Path to Open Metagovernance and its phases.
    • How to gradually involve more and more of the collective in the process.
    • Currently in phase 0, Community informed design process taking all sources of feedback and then incorporating them.
    • Moving into phase 1, which is open sourcing more of the design principles, governance goals, different strategies, citizenship identity etc.
    • 10 citizens and 15 delegates will be announced in the next one/two weeks to form part of a commission to feedback on early design drafts.
    • In the collective DAO archives we added DAO design principles that we use in practice now when we do governance design which are an important piece of context for anybody who will be involved in this.
    • Read The Collective DAO Archives for guidelines and design principles in practice now.
  • Grants Council is currently finishing up prelim scores, those that pass will go up to a final scoring, which will take place over the next week.
    • Preliminary roundup of those that made it through will be published tomorrow.
    • The new submission period will be March 14th to March 27th.
  • Open discussion over how Grants Council came to be for the Token House as this independent body led by delegates.

Collective Council Framework on how the Grants Council came into existence.