[Mission Request] Farcaster social graph

Delegate Mission Request Summary

Analyze social graphs and attestation data to output a probability that any one Farcaster account is a Sybil, contributing to the progress towards decentralization by improving the accuracy of Sybil detection.

Intent 1: Progress Towards Decentralization

Proposing Delegate/Citizen


Total grant amount

25.000 OP

Should this Mission be fulfilled by one or multiple applicants

up to 2

What is required to execute this Mission Request?

  1. Define the requirements for the Sybil detection algorithm, including data inputs and outputs and how accuracy will be evaluated.
  2. Design and develop the algorithm architecture, including integration with existing Collective infrastructure.
  3. Implement the algorithm, including testing and quality assurance.
  4. Deploy the algorithm and provide documentation, training for users, API, or another method for third-party applications to integrate the tool…
  5. Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the algorithm in detecting Sybils.

How should governance participants measure impact upon completion of this Mission Request?

Governance participants can measure the impact of this mission request by tracking the following metrics:

  1. Accuracy rate of the Sybil detection algorithm.
  2. Increase in the adoption of the Sybil detection algorithm.


  1. Requirements definition completed
  2. Algorithm design and architecture completed
  3. Algorithm implementation and testing completed
  4. Algorithm deployed and integrated with Collective infrastructure
  5. Evaluation and monitoring of the algorithm’s effectiveness completed (


  1. Accuracy rate of the Sybil detection algorithm.
  2. Increase in the adoption of the Sybil detection algorithm.


This mission request will have a positive impact on the progress towards decentralization by improving the accuracy of Sybil detection, leading to a more secure and resilient governance process. This will result in a reduction of Sybil attacks and increased trust in the governance process, as evidenced by the following measurable outcomes:

  • Number of Sybil accounts detected and flagged
  • Accuracy rate of the Sybil detection algorithm
  • Improvement in the overall security and resilience of the governance process
  • Increase in the adoption of the Sybil detection algorithm

Has anyone other than the proposer contributed to this Mission Request?

Which metric will the success of this Mission Request be evaluated against?

The North star metric against which this Mission Request should be evaluated is # of addresses delegating for the first time, as it reflects how this effort lowers the barriers to governance participation. This metric was suggested by the foundation and approved by the Grants Council.


I’m a Data Scientist that has previously researched and worked on this problem – is there anyone with whom I can discuss further? My tg is @saganlives

I’m very excited to see this Mission Request, I think it will add a lot of value both to the Retro Funding and Citizenship processes and also to other builders in the space who are increasingly using the Farcaster Protocol as the social layer of their apps :clap:

Disclaimer: I work for the Optimism Foundation but comments are my own

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A North Star Metric has been added at the bottom of this Mission Request in an effort to enable the Collective to make data-driven decisions. By using a single metric for each Mission Request, the Collective is better able to evaluate the performance of all the Season 6 missions in a standardized manner, which will be critical when the Collective makes decisions about Intents, budgets, or other critical components of governance.

hey @Gonna.eth – what do you mean by Collective infrastructure here?

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RetroPGF started asking for signups with Farcaster to the project that participated. Grants Council is doing the same for grants. You want to consider the attestation architecture we have with Farcaster. @optimistic_emily can guide you.

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Questions on Sybil Detection Project

Hi everyone,

I’m Stefi, and I’m new on this forum. I’m a data scientist with two years of experience dedicated to Sybil detection. Currently, I work on Gitcoin Passport and have previously been a steward in the Open Data Community founded by Gitcoin to detect Sybil attacks during their rounds.

I have some questions about the project and its scope. I’ll post a few here to get a general sense, but I have more technical ones as well.

  1. Accuracy Metric for Classification Algorithm: The project mentions evaluating accuracy as a metric for the Sybil detection algorithm: “Define the requirements for the Sybil detection algorithm, including data inputs and outputs and how accuracy will be evaluated.”
  • Question: Is there any classified dataset available? Or is building the training dataset part of the project’s scope? If not, is there any previous analysis of Sybil attacks in this context with significant findings?
  1. Public Availability of the Final Code:
  • Question: Should the final code for the algorithm be made public?
  1. Milestone 4 Clarification: Although more information was provided on Milestone 4, I would like to understand the expectations better to evaluate the potential need for hiring a developer for this task.
  2. Dedicated Team for Sybil Attacks:
  • Question: Is there a dedicated team working on Sybil attacks within the project?

Additionally, I’m willing to jump on a call to understand the project better. I look forward to your insights and contributions.

If you guys want to contact me , you can do it through discord : @stefi_says

Thank you!

Best regards,


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