[Mission Request] ERC-4337 Data & Attribution Standards for the Superchain

Posting on behalf of @ccerv1

Delegate Mission Request Summary:

This Mission Request aims to establish data and attribution standards for the Superchain’s rapidly growing ERC-4337 ecosystem of operators, wallet providers, and dapps. Key activities include: maintaining a public registry of 4337 operators and implementers; creating an open data warehouse of relevant 4337 event data; and developing attribution models to compare smart contract wallet and externally owned account activity. Additionally, the project will work towards establishing standards for labeling “trusted” smart contract wallets.

S6 Intent :

Grow application developers on the Superchain

Proposing Delegate/Citizen:

Katie Garcia on behalf of @ccerv1

Total grant amount:

150,000 OP

Should this Mission be fulfilled by one or multiple applicants:

Up to two

How will this Mission Request help accomplish the above Intent?

This Mission Request supports Intent #3, specifically application developers who are utilizing ERC-4337 (Account Abstraction).

The Superchain is witnessing rapid growth in ERC-4337 adoption. The 4337 upgrade is intended to dramatically improve the UX and accelerate crypto adoption by abstracting fees and complex onchain operations away from end users. Already many developers on Base and Farcaster are utilizing 4337 to build novel consumer applications.

In abstracting complexity away from users, ERC-4337 creates more complexity for analysts. 4337 enables a suite of new operations that can be performed on behalf of users’ smart contract wallets (SCWs) and get bundled into a single transaction. SCW based interactions therefore have fundamentally different architectures and transaction patterns than what the industry has been accustomed to with externally owned account (EOA) based interactions.

Currently, the Superchain’s data infrastructure and incentive mechanisms are not well-suited to tracking and rewarding 4337-related activity. This situation puts 4337 application developers and middleware providers at a disadvantage for Retro Funding and other growth initiatives. Without clear metrics on ERC-4337 usage, impact, and user activity, it will be too easy to overlook the contributions of the application developers who are on the bleeding edge of innovation and UX improvement for the Superchain.

This Mission Request aims to address this gap by answering key questions, such as:

  • Which application developer created or onboarded a particular SCW address?
  • Which application has the most interactions from SCWs?
  • Who is paying the most gas for SCW users?
  • Which bundler has the largest market share across all OP chains?
  • What UserOps are the most active SCW users performing?

The activities planned to address these gaps include:

  • Establishing a public registry of ERC-4337 operators and application developers, building on existing resources like BundleBear, and maintaining it via attestations or other onchain mechanisms.
  • Creating an open data warehouse of relevant ERC-4337 event data, including decoded UserOps and Paymaster IDs, to trace events from a unique user SCW address to the wallet provider, paymaster, bundler, and ultimately to the application the user is interacting with.
  • Developing attribution models so that SCW users and application developers working with SCWs can be on equal footing with conventional, EOA-based models.
  • Establishing standards for labeling “trusted” SCWs and enabling their inclusion in topline Superchain metrics such as DAUs and future growth incentives.

Providing this critical infrastructure will directly help ERC-4337 application developers, improve transparency, and ensure their contributions are properly accounted for in Optimism’s governance and funding mechanisms. This, in turn, will drive more application developers who want to build with 4337 to the Superchain.

What is required to execute this Mission Request?

Working Group Coordination: A dedicated coordinator should assemble a neutral body that includes key 4337 stakeholders. These stakeholders include the core team that worked on the ERC-4337 technical specification and reference implementation, major operators who serve as bundlers, account factories, and/or paymasters, smart contract wallet providers, and application developers with significant user bases. The working group will be tasked with providing input on data requirements, contributing to the development of new data sets, and serving as neutral stewards for the creation of attribution models and labeling standards.

Registry Builder: This function will focus on creating a public registry that links addresses on different OP chains to specific operators and applications. Initially, the registry will be developed and maintained by working group members. The plan includes creating a prototype for transitioning the registry to a decentralized model that leverages attestations or another onchain mechanism for linking addresses and operators. The goal is to ensure that the registry can label at least 90% of the addresses contributing 4337-related activity across the Superchain, thereby providing a reliable and comprehensive resource for the ecosystem.

Indexing and Data Storage: A provider will be selected to store and regularly index all relevant 4337 data from all OP chains, according to the requirements determined by the working group. The data must be publicly available and easy to search, query, and export from. The provider must maintain transparency regarding the costs of storing, indexing, and running transformations on the data. Additionally, the indexing and data models must be open source, allowing anyone in the community to fork or replicate them.

New Data Partnerships: As the registry and data warehouse are being built, there will likely be additional data requirements that do not exist onchain and need to be provided by private data partners. For example, details about which application developers are paying gas for which users via paymasters. At least one person will need to be responsible for enlisting these partners and establishing the necessary data partnerships. This role is crucial for ensuring that all relevant data is available and integrated into the system.

There are three key deliverables:

  1. Public Registry of 4337 Operators and App Developers: This will initially be provided in a static format, with a prototype or proof of concept for an onchain registry. This registry will help in mapping and identifying the key players in the 4337 ecosystem.
  2. Open Data Warehouse of Relevant 4337 Event Data: This data warehouse will be designed to integrate seamlessly into existing analytics environments such as Dune or Hex. It will provide comprehensive and easily accessible event data to support various analytical needs.
  3. Impact Attribution Models for 4337 Transactions: At least five standards will be developed for attributing common use cases. Examples include “new SCW user onboarded,” “total gas paid on behalf of users,” and “number of user-initiated transactions.” These models will help in accurately assessing the impact and contributions of different projects and activities within the 4337 ecosystem.

How should governance participants measure impact upon completion of this Mission?


  1. 4337 Working Group Formed: Sep 15, 2024
  2. V1 of Registry: Oct 15, 2024
  3. Launch of 4337 Data Warehouse: Nov 15, 2024
  4. Impact Attribution Docs: Dec 15, 2024


  • At least 250 active developers contributing to projects that interact with the canonical 4337 EntryPoint contracts on the Superchain by Dec 15, 2024. This metric feeds into the overarching metric of Intent 3, which is to have 9,500 active developers driving network usage.


  • 90% of 4337-related interactions on the Superchain can be traced end-to-end and reflect contributions from a network of at least 50 (fifty) 4337-related projects (both operators and application developers).
  • Public, extensible datasets used by at least five Superchain-focused data teams and composable with major dashboarding solutions (eg, Dune, Hex)

Has anyone other than the proposer contributed to this Mission Request?

This Mission Request had input from the following teams: Open Source Observer, 4337 / Account Abstraction, and Superfluid.

Backup / Resources

Which metric will the success of this Mission Request be evaluated against?

The North star metric against which this Mission Request should be evaluated is # of active addresses interacting with grantee’s contracts, as this Mission Request plans to grow the number of active developers on the Superchain through the adoption of improved infrastructure and better open standards. This metric was suggested by the Foundation and approved by the Grants Council.


Hey @katie. I’m very interested in learning more about this initiative. Can I understand the requirement in more detail?

  1. What is expected for the composition and role of the proposed working group?
  2. Any technical specifications for the public registry and open data warehouse?

I believe that a deeper understanding of these elements would be beneficial for all participants. Could you help share your insight? tia

Hello and thank you for your questions! I’m the sponsor of this Mission, looping in @ccerv1 who is the author of this Mission Request, and expert here :slightly_smiling_face:

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A North Star Metric has been added at the bottom of this Mission Request in an effort to enable the Collective to make data-driven decisions. By using a single metric for each Mission Request, the Collective is better able to evaluate the performance of all the Season 6 missions in a standardized manner, which will be critical when the Collective makes decisions about Intents, budgets, or other critical components of governance.

Hey @Katie just checking up here to see if this mission request has been fulfilled. If not we’d love to take part.

Hello @Mikhail! This Mission Request was fulfilled at end of Cycle 25. In the Public Database (Cycle 27) you can find at the bottom the Mission Requests that already exhausted their budget/amount of Applicants.

Thanks @Bunnic! Can you also tag @op_julian when a Mission Request is closed, so he can close the corresponding issue on github? :pray:

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Sure thing! Will do it in a bit.