Michael (The Blockchain Guy / OPMichael.eth) Delegate Communication Thread

Hey Everyone!

Iā€™m very excited that for the first time this season, my voting power has ended up above the 0.5% threshold has a delegate! For that reason I have decided to start this delegate communication thread.

For simpler votes, I have used the ā€œvote with reasonā€ feature and you should be able to see all of the reasoning behind my votes in the Agora UI here.

Below I will outline my reasoning for the votes where I didnā€™t use the ā€œvote with reasonā€ feature, and for all future votes where the discussion is more complicated.

For Season 4 mission proposal requests, my main questions in my voting logic were quite simple:

  • Is the team the correct team to lead this mission on a skills/community level?
  • Is the mission directly contributing to the rise of Etherā€™s Phoenix?
  • Is this proposal a good faith attempto to improve the Collective, as opposed to a bad-faith attempt to grab governance funds?
  • Does the requested amount of OP seem reasonable given the scope of the mission?

All of my votes needed to answer ā€œyesā€ on all 4 of these questions. I tried to lean towards giving the benefit of the doubt on these proposals in the case that I was on the fence on one of the questions.

My votes for Season 4 mission proposals were as follows:

Intent #1:

  • Proposal 3B: Velodrome: Spread Awareness Through Direct Outreach and Onboarding
  • Proposal 3D: Create and Maintain the ā€˜Optimism Vision Reservoirā€™
  • Proposal 3E: Optimistic Womxn Shinning in Blockchain
  • Proposal 3F: Letā€™s take the Optimistic Vision to LATAM with Espacio Cripto
  • Proposal 3G: Spread Optimistic values across Latam with Solow
  • Proposal 3I: ā€˜Thank Optimism - powered by ThriveCoinā€™
  • Proposal 3J: Web3xplorer - A curated web platform to discover useful web3 apps, resources and tools,
  • Proposal 3K: Rumbo Optimista - Hacia Ethereum Mexico The Event || Optimistic Road in the way to Ethereum MĆ©xico

Intent #3:

  • Proposal 1A: Superchain Governance Deepdive
  • Proposal 1B: Fully Decentralized and Independent Oracle and Data Infrastructure
  • Proposal 1C: TechNERD Program
  • Proposal 1D: Extend the L1Block contract to store historical blockhash data
  • Proposal 1E: Future-proofing UI/UX of OP nodes
  • Proposal 1F: Spearbit + Immunefi Bug Bounty Program for Large Protocols on Optimism

Intent #4:

  • Proposal 4B: The RetroPGF Podcast ***
  • Proposal 4C: Delegate Corner Podcast
  • Proposal 4E: Improving Governance Accessibility through Praise and Contribution Based Attestations
  • Proposal 4F: Pairwise: Tinder UX For Web3 Community Signaling
  • Proposal 4I: Velodrome: Fostering Inclusive Governance through Leading Optimism Builders and Long-term Users
  • Proposal 4K: OP Governance Analytics Dashboard
  • Proposal 4L: OPdelegate.com ***
  • Proposal 4M: NumbaNERD Program

*** These two proposals I am the alliance lead on. Due to the approval-based voting and having no way to abstain, my interpretation was that it is OK to vote in favor of my own proposals. That said, I only had ~60k votes at the time and to be honest didnā€™t give this too much thought. Now that I have much more voting power, I will be sure to be more careful about votes like this in the future and solicit community feedback for any gray areas.


Voted ā€œForā€ on every proposal, excepting the suspension for Carlos Melgar. Being unable to view any evidence in the case made it very difficult to support a suspension, especially when Carlos has seemed to generally be a good actor in the ecosystem. That said, I am glad the code of conduct council will be able to handle these reviews with the evidence in front of them in the future.


Code of Conduct Council:

  • @Juanbug_PGov - Active governance participant in Optimism and good experience.
  • @juankbell - His work with GravityDAO speaks for itself

These are the two members I feel strongly deserve a spot on the council and therefore did not vote for others.

Law of Chains:

Absolutely yes. I am extremely excited to enact this, it provides a solid framework for chains looking to join the superchain.

Season 5 Intent Budgets:

For. I support these budgets and the modifications made.

Grants Council, Builders:

  • Gonna.eth , @kaereste , & @jackanorak - Iā€™ve seen first-hand the dedication and hard work these individuals have put into Optimism & itā€™s grants program. They 100% deserve to maintain their spaces. In addition, I am also casting a vote for @ethernaut who has a very strong developer track record, and @mastermojo who has great grants program experience (including the defi committee with Optimism).

Grants Council, Metrics & Milestones:

  • @LauNaMu - Has done great work with impact metrics for RetroPGF
  • @v3naru_Curia - Curia has done awesome work for Optimism Metrics
  • @raho - NumbaNERDs & Messari contributions are a great context for this position.

Grants Council, Growth Experiments:
I am voting for all previous council members, who I have seen first hand turn Optimismā€™s grants program into one that is being replicated across all of crypto, and in addition @brichis who has shown her competence and commitment to Optimism in the past few months.

Chain Delegation Program:

For. Provides great incentives for new chains joining, and any chain meeting the requirements for delegation definitely deserve the representation.