L2DAO Investigation: Summary

This is the second part of a series detailing the activities of Layer2DAO’s use of 300,000 in OP granted to them by Optimism Governance last year. These posts reveal a pattern of now three attempts by Layer2DAO to sell and move Optimism grant funds contrary to their stated intentions, Optimism Governance rules and norms, as well as their misuse after sale.

  • Timeline of original sale and bridging of Optimism grant funds here
  • Original post establishing L2DAO’s ownership of multisigs here

In part one, I detailed how L2DAO directed 55,000 $OP to two multisigs (ostensibly NFTEarth and LFGROW) under the pretext of ecosystem grants. Onchain evidence and the team’s own statements confirmed that these wallets were in fact actually controlled by the Layer2DAO. That is, the team granted itself the funds before dumping them to USDC and distributing to individual wallets, violating the no-sale policy.

This post will outline what happened to these funds post-sale and transfer. Research has uncovered a remarkably labyrinthine network of short-term wallets moving the proceeds from grant tokens among them. It’s going to take some time to uncover and catalogue all of this, as there is simply too much to distill in one post. I encourage others outside Optimism to take up this work. For now, I will focus on the transactions and flow of funds originating from the purported LFGROW multisig, which is identical in composition to the NFTEarth multisig which and is controlled by L2DAO principals.

Beyond the violation of the no-sale clause, on-chain findings suggest funds were not used in accordance with the stated purpose of the governance proposal behind this grant, which was to “create a new DAO focused exclusively on educational and tooling solutions for L2 NFT creators, artists and owners.” I can find no evidence of this DAO existing in any form.

Rather, after selling much of the OP for USDC, this multisig directly distributes the entirety of the grant’s value in several thousands of USDC and OP to 20 wallets, many of which are connected to other L2DAO/NFTEarth associated wallets and at least one of which belongs to a known NFTEarth team member, milkywave.

Wallets funded by this multisig engage in activities such as:

  • Depositing at least five figures of value directly into a Coinbase deposit wallet used by westonnelson.eth
  • Taking unusual action to obfuscate wallets, duplicating actions across several wallets and using contract integrations that make flow tracking more burdensome
  • Buying up large amounts of NFTE and then exiting these positions at a profit using Uniswap v3 LP positions in a low-liquidity pool
  • Engaging in activities such as pulling liquidity before buying up more NFTE and manipulating price upwards only to re-exit the positions later through liquidity pulling
  • Ultimately pull nearly all liquidity out of the token, sending it to close to zero, its current value, mostly after after public evidence of misuse was surfaced
  • Participating in the exchanging and wash trading of NFTs on NFTEarth between them, obscuring value exchange and juicing NFTEarth stats highlighted in public comms

Every single transaction on this multisig (and likely that of NFTEarth) is signed by the same two wallet addresses: westonnelson.eth and a second address that evidence suggests is likely also owned by westonnelson.eth.

In short, funds quickly leave the purported LFGROW multisig and are distributed to individual wallets with no observable value generated that aligns with the stated goals of LFGROW grant; rather, value is primarily extracted directly to a Coinbase account used by westonnelson.eth.

LFGROW Multisig: Major Findings

Overview: This multisig distributes funds to 20 different wallets, some apparently belonging to team members for personal use, contrary to the governance proposal’s claim.

Relevant Wallets:

L2DAO Multisig 1: 0xaf5a0068f5465260a1a88a6264d0dce4469609cf

  • Recipient of original OP Grant

L2DAO Multisig 2 - 0x79ff559431891cfa36fa1e7589c845f2b8831201

  • Owner of L2DAO Velodrome veNFT

LFGrow Multisig - 0x5a711a7aae4a270c05fb9d67544ddcd2694bdc2c

NFTEarth Multisig 1 - 0x56d02ede412b7a786e0662219676439757794fb4

NFTEarth Multisig 2 - 0x78ed254b9c140c1a2be10d2ad32c65b5f712f54b

  • Same signers as NFTEarth Multisig + LFGrow Multisig

General Observations

All transactions on NFTEarth and LFGGrow 2/5 multisigs are signed exclusively by two parties: westonnelson.eth and a second signer.

  • Weston Nelson: 0xD131F1BcDd547e067Af447dD3C36C99d6be9FdEB
  • Second Signer: 0xa2f0F2265DbB5636Ca2dE35a2E4A01b518d5c620

It seems highlighly likely the second signer is the same person as westonnelson.eth as his address was the first and most frequent sender of funds to the second wallet address, including initial gas deposits. 1 westonnelson.eth also transferred/sold several NFTs to the second signer’s wallet, which is a common practice in individuals seeking to book tax losses in a calendar year.

In short, not only did L2DAO control the two multisigs that they granted, but there is strong evidence to suggest Weston Nelson had total control over the grant funds contained within them. This also aligns with the evidence that a significant portion of the sold funds made their way back (via multiple wallets) to a Weston Nelson-used Coinbase address.

LFGROW Multisig

This is the multisig managing the second 27,500 OP distribution, ostensibly to a DAO created to focus “exclusively on educational and tooling solutions for L2 NFT creators, artists and owners NFTs on L2.” We now know that the multisig address is in fact controlled by Layer2Dao principals if not Weston Nelson himself. The NFTEarth team refuses to disclose who is on this multisig, claiming even the anonymous identities of second signer and non-Weston members are “private”.

It is worth noting that L2DAO community members publicly raised concerns about this grant prior to its vote:

Below is timeline of key events:

Feb 2

Feb 3

  • Swaps ~3k OP for ~10k USDC in two transactions 1, 2

Feb 14

Distribution to several fresh wallets. We’re going to have to describe each of them below.

Feb 15

Feb 16

Feb 22

Feb 25

Feb 26

Believed Team Wallets

Wallet A


Mostly a relay wallet.

Receives two 250 USDC distributions from LFGROW multisig and one 100 OP distro from NFTEarth multisig

Gas funded by 0xa8fd40f305ae7802d07051da9ee3c2d947f3be9f

Receives 800 USDC from Alternate NFTEarth Multisig

2/24 Swaps 100 OP for USDC

Sends 1600 USDC back to 0xa8FD40f305AE7802D07051Da9eE3C2D947F3bE9f

Receives another 800 USDC 0x78ed254b9c140c1a2be10d2ad32c65b5f712f54b and immediately relays to Binance deposit address 0xc563939d59620f6ddc9e64f5a9f4bf94c3ce689a.

Wallet B


Gets gas from 0x7d3e5dd617eaf4a3d42ea550c41097086605c4af, ryuzaki01.eth

Likely dev payout, paid from both NFTEarth and LFGROW multisigs

Funds still there

Wallet C


Funded by Binance wallet

Sends everything to what looks like cold wallet: https://debank.com/profile/0x68fb45903efe31c296a88ce2de5a26dc91aa5547/history

Also paid by alternate NFTEarth multisig https://debank.com/profile/0x78ed254b9c140c1a2be10d2ad32c65b5f712f54b

Wallet D

Apparent dev wallet; does not do anything with funds.


Funding wallets:



500 USDC from Multisig 2

100 OP from Multisig 1

Also receives 3700 USDC from Alternative NFTE multisig 1,2,3,4,5

Wallet E


Connected to a large network of wallets that all seem to do the same actions - enter the NFTE market through LP and swaps, and moving NFTs.

Connected wallets:




Network of wallets that seem to do the same things, as though they sibyl activities

Wallet F


5000 OP from LFG multisig

All swapped to USDC and ETH within hours 1, 2, 3, 4, 5




Buys up chads and L2stateofmind NFTs from Wallet G 0x4e9df8fb6b266d7ca430fab6e8a2e8c8f0170595#tokentxns (funded by 0x81ad206d5438e6d0b368812d90ee5a00a18ac0da swaps all for NFTE and sends most received funds to Wallet L

The rest is sent to 0xd004bd8490b761202f3c0a139d446be7153e03c7

Bridges 2 eth to Arbitrum to wash trade NFTs 1,2 (smolbrain sold to 0x4e9df8fb6b266d7ca430fab6e8a2e8c8f0170595)

In general:
early buyer of

There are just too many instances to count but I’ll just tally up related wallets


  • westonnelson.eth connected wallet — has multiple transactions

There are simply too many transactions here to recount but in summary:

Too many tx’s to count so refer to https://debank.com/profile/0x9581c5df8ea9a0aa84e52f40a378d7339bedccc3

Wallet G


Wallet H


Basically the same as Wallets F and G, trade NFTs, swap for NFTE and send to Wallet L

Wallet F


750 USDC from Multisig 2

Mostly used for onchain speculation

Wallet G


Confirmed Milkywave’s wallet.

Jan 25 - Sent 250 OP from Multisig 1

Feb 3 - Sent 50 OP from Multisig 1

Feb 15 - Sent 1000 USDC from Multisig 2

Also receives Llamapay from Thales:


And receives milkywave.lens

Wallet H


Feb 22

Feb 25

Feb 27

  • Buys back NFTE

Mar 3

Mar 19

Wallet I


Feb 22

Feb 23

Feb 25

Wallet J


gas eth funded by Wallet I

Feb 22

Wallet K


3500 USDC funded by Multisig 2

USDT to ETH, Eth swaps to NFTE with some LPing and trading

Wallet L


aka, the base wallet of the sibyl network

There’s so much stuff happening on this wallet that it really needs its own post


Sends at the time 150k USDC worth of NFTE to four wallets

Sends to 0x73dbdd23279e92015d4fa983f9f05adea549855f

Following start of allegations, moves funds to new wallet 0x5422a41174b5bbc639f82352dc1ac33c6b256eab/history which has been taking ETH and buying up NFTE with hit.

Wallet M


7000 USDC funded from LFGROW wallet

ETH from 0xf8d6ae551667887180ddbc4a5b8a652f11e8bc11, which itself is funded by Wallet L

CEX deposit addresses:

Coinbase deposit 0x106e04a17f7462967b7df788ea29018cdc59ca4b