Thank you for your insights, @Gonna.eth. This gives an opportunity for projects to be more transparent about their work.
Regarding the applications from DAOstar, we’ve taken into consideration the feedback received from the forum and have decided to discontinue pursuing the “DAO Regulatory Interface and Tax Standards” work as a mission proposal under Intent 4. We’ll keep working on the regulatory interface/tax standard and consider resubmitting it for the builder grants in the next cycle. Hence, at present, there is only one mission proposal from our side.
Additionally, I’d like to take this opportunity to share that DAOstar has submitted an application for the current builder grants for an Attestation List Schema for DAOs. An important aspect to note here is the unique structure of DAOstar. We operate via multiple working groups that function parallelly, with diverse members in each group. As such, there is no overlap between the applications. For more information on our initiatives, you can refer here.