GovNFT Community Call Thread 1

Hi GovNFT program participants!

One of the main topics in the last community call was the Security Council elections for season 6, share your insights about the topic in this thread.

Questions to answer:

What role does the Security Council play?
What would you look for in a Security Council member?

In case you didn’t attend the call you can watch the recording: August 6th 2024 Token House Call Recording.mp4 - Google Drive.

As a reminder, thoughtful responses are 20 points. Spam or low-effort posts will not count towards the point total.


Hi @Michael thank you for the share and questions.

I’m very new to the governance side of OP so apologies in advance for the lack of knowledge / context here. I listened to the call just now - it’s not immediately obvious from that as to either (1) what role the Security Council plays or (2) what I would look for in a member. Sorry if that is the wrong answer??!! Are there any secure links to a Terms of Reference that you could share please?

What did come through loud and clear though was that there are ongoing elections.

I thought the question from ‘Rex’ was really interesting around versioning / version control. Optimism has gone great guns in innovating and shipping stuff - but is there a developing overhang / legacy in terms of forks and iterations. When overlaid with Superchain activity across the OP stack this must be a nightmare to coordinate and record.

Which did get me thinking about what the ‘core texts and principles’ of Agile say about quality / version control particularly in a high speed, cutting edge, decentralised environment? Would be interested as to what thoughts others have around this?


andrew s | universe.L2

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Hey Andrew!

Thanks for the response, it honestly is good feedback and it’s definitely apparent that you listened to the call, you will definitely get those points.

Here is some resources on the security council: Introducing the Optimism Collective’s Security Council — The Optimism Collective.

It’s a huge part of what makes Optimism a “stage 1” L2. Thanks again for the response!