Governance Weekly Recap

Week of September 16th, 2024

  • [Mission Request] Subsidized Audit Grants V2

    The forum post titled “[Mission Request] Subsidized Audit Grants V2” proposes repurposing and continuing a previous budget to fund subsidized audits for promising projects in the Optimism ecosystem. The new streamlined process includes a pre-whitelist for auditors by the Grants Council (GC), allowing auditors to apply for specific audits directly from the mission budget. This initiative, proposed by Anthias Labs and Gonna.eth, aims to support new developers and projects by covering audit costs, thus fostering growth in the Superchain. The total grant amount requested is 500,000 OP, with the goal of increasing the number of active developers through improved infrastructure and open standards. The success of this mission will be evaluated based on milestones, the number of active addresses interacting with audited contracts, and other usage data.

  • GovNFT Community Call Thread 4

    The latest GovNFT Community Call Thread discussed the introduction of guest voter participation for Retro Funding Round 6. Michael Vander Meiden highlighted Emily’s talk on the topic, explaining that guest voters will be randomly selected and will participate alongside regular voters, focusing on Governance projects. The thread invites community members to share their thoughts on how this new approach might influence voting outcomes compared to previous rounds dominated by Badgeholders. Participants are encouraged to provide meaningful insights, with a reminder that high-quality contributions earn points, while low-effort posts may result in penalties.

  • [Looking for sponsor] Develop Onchain Social Games that Attract Builders to Optimism

    Dan Singjoy has proposed a mission request on the Optimism forum aimed at developing onchain social games to attract and nurture builders, fostering a vibrant developer community. This initiative aligns with Optimism’s goal of growing application developers on the Superchain by leveraging interactive and educational games to engage new developers, enhance their skills, and build a supportive community. The total grant amount requested for this mission is 250k OP, and it is intended for multiple applicants. Key milestones include launching an initial game within three months and conducting midterm and yearly reviews to assess impact and progress. The proposal also emphasizes the importance of community outreach, incentives, and proper documentation to ensure successful execution and continuous developer engagement.

  • [Mission Request] Superchain Borrow/Lend Aggregator

    Mission Request: Superchain Borrow/Lend Aggregator

This mission request, proposed by Anthias Labs, aims to develop a unified borrow/lend aggregator for all Superchain-based protocols. With the goal of enhancing liquidity and providing users with optimal borrowing and lending rates, the project seeks a grant of 30,000 OP. The proposal emphasizes the need for a single, comprehensive platform that integrates major protocols like Aave and Moonwell and offers an easy-to-use frontend. Success metrics include the amount of Total Value Locked (TVL) and the volume of borrows handled through the aggregator, with the broader intention of increasing developer activity on the Superchain and uniting its liquidity.

  • [Mission Request] - Crosschain alert monitoring

    In a recent forum post titled “[Mission Request] - Crosschain alert monitoring,” a delegate outlines the need for alerting and monitoring systems for crosschain messages and transactions within the Optimism Superchain. The post highlights that effective interop is crucial to attract serious developers by providing tools necessary for high functionality, security, and user experience. The proposed mission seeks a grant of 60k OP and aims to create tools to monitor the performance, delays, or failures of interop messages and general health metrics. By ensuring robust crosschain functionality, the initiative aims to enhance developer trust and adoption of the Superchain for new projects, while also addressing specific milestones and performance metrics upon completion【4:1†Season 6- Intents Ratification.txt】.

  • Retro Funding 6: Announcing Guest Voter participation

    Retro Funding 6 introduces a new phase in the Optimism Collective’s governance by involving Guest Voters to participate alongside Citizens in awarding OP for contributions. This experiment builds on the previous round and aims to explore different voter selection mechanisms to inform future Citizen selection processes. The research focuses on comparing outcomes from various selection methods like Web of Trust and Proof of Work against random selection, aiming to establish control groups and understand differences in voter composition and decision-making. The experiment includes rigorous measures to ensure randomness and minimal bias in voter selection, targeting active users of the Farcaster Protocol. Approximately 100 Guest Voters will join, ensuring adequate representation and experimental validity. The final determination of the Guest Voters’ influence will be subject to Citizens’ review to safeguard against system capture.

  • [Mission Request] Targeted extension of Superfest

    Jack Anorak has proposed a Mission Request to extend Superfest, a program aimed at encouraging the migration of DeFi projects to the Superchain. Noting previous implementation issues but overall success, the request seeks 400k OP to incentivize DeFi projects. Both existing and new DeFi applicants are eligible under specific conditions such as having a track record of onboarding new protocols or providing credible growth plans. The mission’s impact will be measured by metrics like Total Value Locked (TVL) and the number of new projects and users. This proposal aims to support Intent 3a of Season 6, focusing on strategic growth and innovation within the Superchain ecosystem

  • Cycle 27 Grants Preliminary Review Report

    The Cycle 27 Grants Preliminary Review Report outlines the review process for 47 applications, including those for Superchain and audits. The Grants Council excelled in timely reviews and contributed significantly to mission requests. Special thanks were given to the Developer Advisory Board (DAB) for their valuable feedback on 34 applications. Review scores and feedback are now available on individual applications, with a preliminary cutoff set at 30 points. Finalists, needing a minimum of 40 points, will be announced next Wednesday. A database and list of finalists were also included in the report.

  • [Mission Request] Intent 3A - Superchain Builder Hub

    The forum post titled “[Mission Request] Intent 3A - Superchain Builder Hub” outlines a proposal to create a virtual hub for the Optimism Collective. The main aim is to reduce information asymmetry and coordination costs by developing a comprehensive platform covering chains, projects, opportunities, programs, analytics, and contributors within the ecosystem. The requested grant amount is 125K OP, and the project should be managed by a single applicant. The initiative seeks to attract top talent and builders by providing an organized, easy-to-navigate representation of the ecosystem. Essential requirements include a deeply knowledgeable operating team, alignment with Optimism brand guidelines, and a clear path for new developers to engage with the community. The project’s success will be measured through various metrics, including the number of new projects, developers, delegates, and unique users engaging with the platform, along with overall platform usage and its impact on the ecosystem.

  • [Looking for sponsor] Automated Grants System

    The forum post discusses a mission request seeking sponsorship for an automated grants system aimed at providing grant access to builders with minimal friction and contingent payouts based on predefined criteria. Aligned with Season 6’s intent to advance decentralization through DAO infrastructure, the proposal requests a total grant amount of 80k OP. The mission includes details on execution requirements, milestone tracking, impact measurement, and clarifies that no other contributors are involved in the request. The post emphasizes the need for a single applicant to fulfill the mission, aiming to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of grant distribution within the Optimism Collective framework.

  • [Mission Request] - Experimentation of Infrastructure Subsidies

    The forum post titled “Mission Request: Experimentation of Infrastructure Subsidies” outlines a proposal for subsidizing key infrastructure providers, such as RPCs, oracles, and web3 alert services, to support builders on the Optimism platform. The initiative aims to allocate up to 30k OP per provider, with a total grant amount of 250k OP, to reduce barriers for new developers and enhance the performance of existing applications. The proposal targets growing application developers on the Superchain and entails multiple providers submitting detailed support plans. Success will be measured through metrics such as the increase in developer activity and performance improvements in applications utilizing the subsidized services. The ultimate goal is to foster a more diverse and robust ecosystem on Optimism.

  • [Mission Request] Decentralized Solvers and Aggregators on OP Mainnet / Superchain

    The forum post describes a mission to boost decentralized solvers, aggregators, and limit order functionality on the Optimism Mainnet and, eventually, the Superchain. Proposed by Matt, the mission targets projects like CowSwap and 1inch Fusion, aiming for enhanced liquidity and trading efficiency. The total grant is set at 250k OP, distributed among multiple applicants, with milestones focusing on integration with major decentralized solvers, trading volume increases, and Superchain compatibility. Key metrics for success include trading volume, unique user interaction, and gas savings

  • Superchain dApps and its reach

    A forum user shared their experience exploring superchain dApps during the jumper superchain quest. As a veteran in the space, they noted discovering many new projects and felt naturally inclined to explore well-known names like Balance and Aave for safety. However, they encountered liquidity issues with Fraxtal on Jumper and had to resort to for swaps and Orbiter for bridging. The user stressed that while experienced users could navigate these challenges, newcomers might struggle, highlighting the need for better onboarding processes. They hope their feedback will be useful for future improvements.

  • [Mission Request] Optimism Treasury Diversification Research

    A forum post from Anthias Labs outlines a mission request to research diversification strategies for the Optimism Collective treasury, which is currently 100% in OP tokens. The request proposes investigating on-chain yield-bearing assets and Real-World Assets (RWAs) to diversify the treasury, aiming to support expenses and generate additional yield. This initiative, aligned with Optimism’s Season 6 intent, seeks actionable plans with solid data that can be adopted within a DAO framework. The goal is to attract more RWA projects to the Optimism ecosystem while ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. Applicants are expected to deliver research demonstrating Optimism’s current financial state, explore effective diversification strategies, and outline the regulatory implications of potential strategies, aiming for transparent and measurable milestones.

  • [Mission Request] Optimism Dominance in Yield-Bearing Assets - DEX Liquidity for YBAs

    The forum post discusses a mission request to enhance the dominance of Optimism in yield-bearing assets (YBAs) by focusing on decentralized exchange (DEX) liquidity. The proposal, driven by Anthias Labs for Season 6, seeks to onboard more real-world assets (RWAs) and YBAs via DEX integrations, reusing goals and criteria from previous requests by GFX Labs. It highlights the need for whitelisted RWAs to have greater DEX liquidity as opposed to lending market integrations. The plan includes a 500,000 OP grant distribution to incentivize users who bridge and deposit whitelisted assets into eligible DeFi protocols. The mission’s success will be measured by the number of whitelisted assets, the amount of assets migrated to Optimism, and the duration of their stay, with the overarching goal of increasing Total Value Locked (TVL) within the Optimism Superchain.

  • Cycle 27 Intent 3A Mission Request and Sponsorship

    The forum post titled “Cycle 27 Intent 3A Mission Request and Sponsorship” aims to organize new mission request proposals for each cycle. The process involves copying a template from the provided link, creating a new forum post with that template, tagging the post appropriately, and indicating whether sponsorship is needed. Participants are expected to update the thread with links to their mission request posts. The goal of the forum is to streamline and manage the proposal submissions efficiently, enhancing the governance and project execution within the community.