Governance Weekly Recap

Week of July 8th, 2024

:ballot_box: Recent Proposals

:writing_hand: Forum Highlights

  • Intent 1 Mission Sponsorship

    The forum post titled “Intent 1 Mission Sponsorship” encourages community members to submit their Mission Request ideas for sponsorship by the Feedback Commission. It provides a step-by-step guide to the process, including copying a provided template, filling out the necessary information, posting it in a new forum thread, tagging it as “S6 mission request,” and then sharing the link in the original thread. This structured approach aims to streamline submissions and ensure all requests adhere to a standard format, facilitating an organized review and selection process.

  • [Mission Request] Increase project accounts

    In a recent forum post titled “Mission Request: Increase project accounts,” Gonna.eth proposed a mission to enhance the number of Optimism Project Accounts with a grant amount of 200,000 OP. The initiative aims to attract more application developers to the Superchain by developing a baseline KPI, encouraging developers to register their projects, and tracking their involvement across the ecosystem. Key steps include defining project requirements, creating software for attestation, and promoting the Project Account Registry. Success will be measured by metrics such as the number of new project profiles created and their usage in the ecosystem. Milestones include software deployment and achieving the first 1,000 projects. The initiative is expected to significantly contribute to developer growth and engagement on the Superchain.

  • [Mission Request] Grants Claiming Tool
    The proposal requests the development of a grants claiming tool designed to enhance delegation and support the governance process, driving the decentralization of the Collective. The tool needs approval mechanisms from The Grants Council and The foundation, along with a clawback option. Key elements include defining requirements, designing architecture, developing, testing, deploying, and integrating the tool, with monitoring for effectiveness. The mission’s impact will be measured by tracking grants claimed, delegation increases, engagement improvements, and the number of unique delegators and clawbacks. Gonna.eth proposes the mission, funded with 100,000 OP, and suggests it can be fulfilled by up to two applicants.

  • [Sponsorship Request] Intent 1: Opinion harvesting spaces

    In a recent forum post titled “[Sponsorship Request] Intent 1: Opinion harvesting spaces,” the proposal outlines a mission aimed at increasing citizen confidence in voting on upgrade vetos within the Optimism Collective. By facilitating spaces where citizens can engage with opposing opinions, the initiative seeks to boost active participation and understanding. Key elements include structured debates, breakout rooms, and Q&A sessions, all designed to create a safe, respectful environment for discussion. The grant request for this mission is 7K OP, with the goal of integrating objections into proposals and enhancing citizen involvement in governance.

  • Experimenting with Random Sampling in the Citizens’ House

    The forum post “Experimenting with Random Sampling in the Citizens’ House” discusses the advantages and rationale behind using random sampling as a method for participation in the Citizens’ House. The post explains that random sampling ensures each citizen has an equal probability of selection, reducing bias and preventing domination by a small subset of active participants, unlike opt-in methods. This approach addresses the feedback from Round 3 which highlighted the time-consuming nature of the Retro Funding process and the need for scalability. By requiring full participation in two rounds and splitting the other two rounds via random sampling, the workload for badgeholders is reduced. Additionally, random sampling aims to distribute power evenly among citizens, thus enhancing democratic engagement and avoiding the concentration of power often seen in traditional systems. The experiment with random sampling is intended to strike a balance between full citizen involvement and effective governance without overburdening any individual participants.

:newspaper: Stakeholder News

:ticket: Upcoming Events

  • Optimism Fractal: July 11, 2024 Link

  • Office Hours: Wednesday July 17, 2024: Link

  • SuperChain Demo Day: July 18, 2024: Link

  • Optimism Ambassador Chat: July 19th, 2024: Link

    :crystal_ball: Upcoming Votes

    0 Proposals live at the time of writing this report, no upcoming proposals detected

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