Governance Weekly Recap

Week of August 29, 2022


We’re nearing the end of Voting Cycle #5, and ramping up for Voting Cycle #6. Remember that the new proposal template is now in effect, as are the new procedures outlined in the updated Operating Manual.


There are five proposals up for voting in Cycle #5, which ends this Wednesday, September 7 (7PM GMT). Each one is for a Governance Committee; the top four Governance Committees will begin their work with Voting Cycle #6 — later this week!

:speaking_head: There’s still time to vote on Snapshot or on Boardroom.

Over 9,000 wallets have voted for each proposal so far :100:

A new proposal rhythm will begin with Voting Cycle #6, following a three-week pattern as described in the Operating Manual:

  • Week 1: proposals labeled [Draft] are posted in the forum for community feedback (there’s also a dedicated temp-check channel in Discord).
  • Week 2: Delegate feedback. Two delegates with >0.5% of the current votable token supply must explicitly indicate approval of a given proposal in the relevant discussion thread in order for the proposal to move to the Voting Cycle Roundup thread in the forum.
  • Week 3: Voting. Proposals in the Voting Cycle Roundup thread that meet the above requirements will be moved to Snapshot for voting.

As per the Operating Manual: “Each ‘week’ runs from Wednesday at 19:00p GMT (12p PST) until Tuesday at 19:00 GMT (12p PST).”

The quorum threshold for Governance Fund (Phase 1) is now 30% of votable $OP supply.

The approval threshold is 51%.

:speaking_head: Provide your feedback on Governance Fund proposals being drafted for Cycle #6.

In Discord

Given the high number of delegates implicated in the Governance Committee proposals for Cycle #5, Reformed_Normie asks whether “abstain” votes count towards quorum. @diligit pointed out in the forum that the answer should be specified in the Manual.

In the Forums

Soulbound badges in Optimism? @0xbendo (from Otterspace) makes the suggestion.

This recalls the “crown for delegatesdiscussion — an idea to make it clear which forum participants are delegates with >.5% of voting power.

See recent updates from @Bobbay_StableLab and @GFXlabs in the collection of delegate communications threads.

On Twitter

@linda put up a poll asking whether DAO delegates should vote on proposals when there is a potential (disclosed) conflict of interest, and then observes some of the possible drawbacks to abstaining.

Boardroom spoke with @fig and @GFXlabs about their proposal for a DeFi Governance Committee in the latest Roundup (brief proposal discussion begins around minute five).

Governance Calls

Discussion of governance committees was the main feature of last week’s call. Notes and a link to the recording can be found here.

:speaking_head: Join the next call on September 13 (5PM GMT, though that may change).

Quick Gov Links: Working Constitution | Operating Manual v0.2 | Proposal template | Delegates | Snapshot | Optimism on Boardroom