Week of April 10, 2023
- We’re now in the reflection period (April 13-26) between seasons.
- The Foundation’s Guide to Season 4 puts forward important new concepts and approaches, including Intents, Missions, and Alliances — and also provides a timeline.
- Season 4 features Collective Intents — around which the entire community aligns. They are “directional goals that allow the Collective to align and focus.” For the upcoming season, three Intents have been set by the Foundation; an additional one has been left open for community input. A brainstorming call will be held at 17:30 GMT on April 20th, directly following the Foundation AMA.
- Missions “support specific initiatives aligned with our Intents.” Missions can be proposed by Alliances (see below), and delegates will “vote on Proposed Missions for each Intent during Voting Cycle #13.” A proposed Mission Proposal template has been posted.
- An Alliance is “a group of people…that will work together to complete a Mission.”
- Season 4 will also see the first iteration of Collective Trust Tiers, which aim to establish “a connection between one’s positive impact in the ecosystem and access to different types of work, grants, and roles within the Collective.”
- The Grants Council is up for renewal by Token House vote in Special Voting Cycle 12a (April 27 - May 10), and so is the protocol delegation program.
- If the Grants Council is approved, reviewers will be elected by the Token House in Cycle 12b (May 18-31). Those who would like to self-nominate must do so using a specific template by May 17.
- A co-granting program will also be piloted in Season 4.
- Voting Cycle #12a (April 27 - May 10) will include votes on the protocol delegation program renewal, the Grants Council renewal, and the Collective Intent budgets.
- Voting Cycle #12b (May 18 - 31) will include Grants Council Reviewer elections (potentially), treasury appropriations, and inflation adjustments. More detail will be provided on each.
- Voting Cycle #13 (begins June 8) will see voting on proposed Missions.
In the Forums
- Retroactive delegate rewards for Season 3 have been outlined.
- April OP rewards analytics update.
- Can delegates abstain on their own proposals to maintain voting record?
- The Operating Manual (v0.3.5)has been updated.
- Delegate communication thread updates from @Gonna.eth, @blockchainatusc, and @rubicon.
In Discord & Twitter
- Introducing @OptimismStatus, a good follow for developers node operators
- OP Radio #26 on the SNX ecosystem with Kwenta, Lyra, Dhedge, and Polynomial
- This week in Optimism
Governance Calls
The next community governance call will be on April 25th 10am PT / 1pm ET / 7pm CET.
Quick Gov Links: Working Constitution | Operating Manual v0.3. 5| Voting Portal | Optimism on Boardroom