This is typically not a concern builders raise. There are pragmatic reasons to not do so. But there is the following reality that does bother me, and it is likely lurking in the mind of the people that aim to build for transformative change.
There is no denying that the Superchain is USA-centric.
(All investors, founders, probably all employees are american.)
Owned, operated and controlled by Americans.
Having 80% (? guestimate) of the power geographically concentrated in New York puts all non-Americans at a disadvantage.
This would not be such a big issue if the USA was not such a litigious jurisdiction where a lot of times happens for the capital rich to bully the small on the basis of the former fucking up.
So why should this not be a concern?
Do we have to be “progressive decentralization” aligned?
I know only enough to be worried about how some of these big capital allocators throw their weight around for petty reasons.
So it seems to me that if you’re not american on the Superchain the chance of getting f*d are non-trivial.
Sure, great, somewhat brave ideological vibes, but it seems to me that the the core of the ecosystem can operate in a matter of hours out of the NYSE. And if you clearly can, you can also be ordered to do it.
It’s not only about Optimism, and yes, I know american domination via ownership is probabilistically a given. Should that alone be enough of a good reason for a rational non-American to hand-wave all extra risk?
I know this forum has a positive vibes only policy. I have not yet learned how to talk about concerning power concentrations with cheer and glee. Instead of threatening with the code of conduct for not being optimistic enough please just ban me so I can move on. Thank you!