[FINAL] Web3xplorer - A curated web platform to discover useful web3 apps, resources and tools

Thank you for sharing your proposal. After reviewing and receiving input from my colleague Yesim Kaymak, we couldn’t get to a support for this proposal. The amount requested is reasonable but I don’t feel strongly that another app explorer is the best path for spreading awareness of the Optimistic Vision specifically.

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Hey @linda,

I sincerely appreciate the time and effort you and your teammate have put into evaluating our proposal. I realize that you’re not convinced about the necessity of an additional app explorer, but I respectfully disagree.

Currently, newcomers to web3 and especially the optimism ecosystem (provided they are even aware of it), find themselves lost at the beginning: the process of bridging funds, the availability of DEX, the places to purchase options or future contracts - it’s all unknown terrain. Most are even unfamiliar with the concept of a layer 2.

We aim to simplify this process for the millions we intend to onboard, and a handful of app explorers simply won’t suffice. Much like in web2, a variety of solutions are required to cater to a diverse audience and tackle different challenges.

I kindly request you to reassess your stance and lend your support to our proposal.

Your consideration is deeply appreciated! I remain available should you have any questions.

Thank you very much.


I also have my reserves about the value of another explorer, but the amount requested is reasonable and I would like to see some variety so I will be voting yes here.


Thanks for your response, I thought about it more and I’m fine putting a yes vote for experimentation on a new explorer and seeing how it goes since the amount is reasonable.


Although I’m a bit skeptical like some other delegates here, I actually think a one-stop shop to find web apps and resources on how to use them on optimism could be useful. I’m a bit embarrassed to admit that I myself rarely use the Optimism ecosystem (or web3 in general, for that matter). Most of it (that I can find) is DeFi and NFTs, both of which I’m not really that interested in (I’m not much of a trader). Trying to find web3 apps that might be interesting for me to use, and are still actively maintained, I’ve found is a bit of a tedious process. Most of the time it involves going to an app explorer and clicking through a bunch of different apps to see if one of them offers something interesting. I think if you include the in-depth categorizing and information of these apps and resources as claimed, it could be something different and useful. The one thing I would say, is make sure that as you add these apps/tools/resources, connect it to the Optimistic Vision. That’s really the purpose of this intent, and why you would be receiving funding.

I’m leaning towards Approve on this proposal in my capacity as rep of Blockchain@USC.

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Hi @MaximeServais!

As Season 4 draws to a close this week, we’re so excited to see how you’ve executed on your Mission! Please post an update for the community here outlining the milestones you’ve met this Thursday (9/20) by 19:00 GMT. Please include links to any final work products as we’ll create a final roundup linking to all Mission deliverables.

We also encourage you to sign-up for RetroPGF Round 3. You’ll be able to describe the impact of your Mission when you sign-up: RetroPGF Round 3 Applications Are Open

Thanks again for being part of this experiment and helping us build the Collective :heart:

Hello fellow Optimists,

We’re excited to share the progress we’ve made towards accomplishing our mission proposal. As a reminder, Web3xplorer’s goal is to help seasoned web3 users and newcomers alike discover useful web3 apps, resources, and tools, particularly those available on Optimism.

Milestones Achieved

1. Web3xplorer Listings

We have added 870 apps/tools to our database, with 200 of these actively available on Optimism. This goes beyond our goal of adding 500 new applications, which we’re proud of.

For each app or tool, we’ve added a clear description, a Q&A section, main features, a screenshot of the website, the logo, and related links. We’ve also added links to similar apps to help users find more apps/tools they might like.

Check it out yourself here!

2. Optimism Page Enhancement

The Optimism dedicated page on our platform has received a makeover. More details, links to useful resources, and a newbie-friendly FAQ are now live.

Take a look here!

3. Blog & Articles

Our new blogging section is live, and we’ll be using it as a platform to spread knowledge about Optimism.

So far, we’ve rolled out a series of detailed articles that deep-dive into topics related to Optimism. From understanding layer-2 solutions to practical how-to guides, our articles are meant to be both educational and actionable.

Note: Some articles are still being finalized and will be up by next week.

Take a look here and here

Note: We welcome feedback and suggestions on any other topics you’d like us to cover.

Wrapping up

The past three months were intense, but we’re proud of our achievements. Beyond adding more apps, setting up our blog, and crafting in-depth articles, we’ve also enhanced the overall user experience of our app and worked on boosting its visibility in search results.

A heartfelt thanks to the Optimism Collective for standing by us. As we move forward, our commitment remains unwavering - to simplify the web3 experience and shine a spotlight on Optimism.

Feedback, suggestions, or collaboration proposals are always welcome!




Thanks for the update @MaximeServais! Please not that all Missions will be able to showcase their work tomorrow during a dedicated Mission demo day on September 28th, at 16:00 GMT on the Discord mainstage!

Demo Day - Mission Proposal Edition September 28th 2023 - 4pm UTC

Show off your Season 4 Mission Proposal accomplishments and milestones:

  • Each mission proposal will get 2 minutes to present
  • Summarize your mission proposal
  • List your milestones and the results of those milestones

Apply here - (Discord):

Presenter Discord Handle → must be in the Optimism Discord
Link to your mission proposal


Hey everyone,

We have officially launched Web3xplorer on ProductHunt! We appreciate your support!

Thanks a lot!

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Hello everyone - just a head’s up: we’ve transitioned from Web3xplorer to our new identity: Ethereum Ecosystem.

Annoucement post here: https://x.com/web3xplore/status/1747974439294136413?s=20