Discussion OP token on all Superchain

We’re growing from 0 to 13 superchains and 38 OP Stack chains, yet the OP token is only available on the OP Mainnet.

The integration of OP tokens across all superchains is essential for maximizing the potential of these blockchain networks. By ensuring that OP tokens are available on every superchain, we can significantly boost overall awareness and adoption. This uniformity will create a seamless user experience.

Furthermore, without the presence of OP tokens on every superchain, there’s a lost opportunity for OP, as some chain users, like Base and Mode users, may remain unaware or underutilized in relation to OP. This fragmentation can hinder the growth and effectiveness of the superchain network as a whole. By standardizing OP tokens across all chains, we ensure that every participant, regardless of the specific chain they use, has equal access to the benefits and functionalities offered by OP. This will not only drive engagement and innovation within the network but also establish OP as a central, unifying asset in the blockchain community.

When more developers and users know about the OP token, they will likely adopt the Optimistic vision, OP Stack, and retroPGF.

In conclusion, making OP tokens available on all superchains is a strategic move that will elevate the entire ecosystem. It will enhance interoperability, increase user engagement, and ensure that the advantages of OP are universally recognized and utilized. This approach will create a more integrated and dynamic blockchain environment, ultimately driving greater success and innovation across all superchains.


Great take! Totally agree.

IMO this should be for all chain tokens, not only OP, as a more holistic and Superchain-aligned approach.

PS: first comment on the forum :sweat_smile:

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Hi there - I am a contributor at OP Labs, and my opinons are my own.

The vision for native interoperability (interop) is to grow the Superchain by making liquidity and users fungible and quickly portable across chains. With interop, any user or app in the Superchain is always just a block away. Interop will enhance Ethereum’s scalability through a network of interoperable L2s, built with industry-leading teams such as Base, Zora, and Worldcoin.

Native interoperability enables any app or asset in the Superchain to be accessed through low latency, secure, cross L2 messaging. End users benefit with quick, intuitive cross chain transactions that don’t require bridging or network switching. Interoperability can be as low-latency as the involved sequencers can facilitate, theoretically down to intra-block messaging latency, thanks to optimistic execution and low overhead cross L2 verification.

The Optimism Collective is rolling-out interop in a phased approach:

  1. Later this month, launching an intent-based fast bridging solution in partnership with an ecosystem partner that brings 50% faster and 99% cheaper bridging transactions for modest ETH sends, enabling effortless gas transfers between chains in the Superchain.
  2. Later in the year (tentative), launch low latency, native interop secured by permissionless fault proofs. This means any user in the Superchain can migrate assets to any other chain in the Superchain in 1-block.

As it relates to OP - OP is a governance token and our goal is to enable users to move OP (and other tokens in the Superchain) to chains in the Superchain while still participating in governance. With governance approval, we expect this to ship alongside native interop secured by permisonless fault proofs.

Interop is actively in development by core developers from OP Labs, Agora and external contributors including Wonderland. The interop spec is public and the Optimism Collective is building in the open - including sharing overviews of the design on YouTube and creating a forum to get feedback from developers, and discussing design documents for key components.

TLDR - Thank you for your feedback! Your suggestion is part of the core interop roadmap and if you have any other feedback on the interop technical spec please join the discussion on GitHub!