Developer Advisory Board - S6 Internal Operating Procedures

The internal operating procedures in this document govern the activities of the Season 6 Developer Advisory Board. The document sets forth the processes the DAB will follow in fulfilling our charter, including supporting the grants council, token house, and citizens with evaluating mission requests, mission applications, and protocol upgrades.

1) Mission Applications

The DAB will review all technical mission applications per Grant Council request. Our process to perform this duty is:

  • The Grants council will provide a list of applications they would like feedback on at least 7 days before the end of each voting cycle.
  • DAB Ops Lead will organize the requests in a spreadsheet, which will be shared with the DAB, with three phases of assignment: (1) any applications that interact with the core roadmap will be assigned to one of the reps from OP Labs or Base, (2) DAB Members will have 24 hours to proactively claim applications to review, (3) after 24 hours, Ops Lead will randomly assign the remaining applications such that each application has 2-3 reviewers (depending on the quantity to review).
  • Feedback will be provided in the spreadsheet with at least 72 hours left in the cycle, with each application given one of the following indications: yes, no, or veto.
  • In the event of a veto, other DAB members will be invited to review. In the case of a unanimous veto, the DAB will veto the mission application. Otherwise, no veto action will be taken.
  • After feedback has been provided, the Grants Council will have the option to set up a call to review feedback and discuss details, if they have any questions. All feedback (besides vetos) will be non-binding, and the Grants Council can take it into account as they see fit.
  • Feedback will also be shared publicly by the DAB directly on the Mission Request Application in Charmverse, to provide insight to applicants (as well as the opportunity to clarify or improve their application).

2) Protocol Upgrades

The DAB is responsible for providing plain English summaries of upgrades and blocking upgrades they believe are unsafe (by withholding the approval comment on the forum draft post). Our process to perform this duty is:

  • When a new upgrade is posted to the forums, the Upgrade Czar (together with the DAB Lead) will review and write a plain english summary within 72 hours.
  • The Upgrade Czar will also share the summary with the DAB, along with their opinion on whether the upgrade is safe.
  • If any DAB member believes that approval should be withheld, the DAB will set up a call to discuss, which will end with a vote.
  • If a simple majority of DAB members vote “no”, the DAB will withhold the approval comment. The Upgrade Czar (or, in the case that the Upgrade Czar disagrees with the vote, another member) will be responsible for writing up an explanation to share with the community documenting the reasoning and what would be required for the DAB to be comfortable accepting the upgrade.
  • In the event that any DAB member abstains and the result is a tie, the DAB Lead will make the final decision.

3) Reactive Feedback & Support

The DAB will be available to provide a la carte technical feedback to other councils and board who request it. Our process to perform this duty is:

  • Any council or board can reach out to the DAB either by (a) tagging the board on Discord (@Developer Advisory Board), (b) tagging any member of the board in a forum post or (c) reaching out to any DAB member directly.
  • Any requests will be shared with the DAB to allow members to proactively offer to help.
  • If no proactive offers are made, the DAB Lead will assign the project to a DAB Member.
  • When relevant, the DAB Member who provided the feedback will share a summary of the request and feedback provided on the forum in case the community can benefit from it.
  • Examples of this type of work include: feedback on Mission Requests, reviewing milestones on existing grants, requests for brainstorming or code review from OP Labs, helping OP Labs find talent in their hiring process, etc.

4) Discovering New Ways to Support the Collective

While the processes above are the core responsibilities of the DAB, a part of our Season 6 mission is to discover and expand our ability to support the collective. Our process to perform this duty is:

  • A “Developer Advisory Board Feedback” thread will be created on the Optimism forum where community stakeholders can make requests, give feedback, and share ideas.
  • Community calls will be scheduled bimonthly (in July, September and November) to discuss ideas and feedback with the community. Summaries of these calls will be posted on the above thread.
  • The DAB will proactively explore best ideas (based on subjective judgment), using the forum thread as the source of truth for all ideas. Each DAB member will be expected to experiment with at least one idea over the course of the season.
  • At end of season, the DAB will share a summary on the forum of exactly what experiments were run, the results, which ideas will persist as core responsibilities next season, and the best ideas remaining to be tried in the future.

It would be nice to see how to standardize this process. We could start with a spreadsheet but the end game would be for the DAB to be integrated into Charmverse with their role and permissions. Data exportation between platforms is where we found most of the GC errors.

This is such a nice way to do app distribution!

Situation: Czar votes yes, 2 other DAB members vote no. It wouldn’t be better if the reasoning document came from those who voted no and the requirements. Maybe a change of Czar could be implemented? Would it be possible for the Czar not to have enough context enough and say “I want to appoint X as a Czar since his/her knowledge is deeper”

I can’t wait to have DAB office Hours :two_hearts:


Good call on the Upgrade Czar not necessarily agreeing with the “no” upgrade vote. I’ve amended the IOPs to take this into account.

What’s the best way to get integrated into Charmverse? Let’s aim to start with a spreadsheet for the first cycle so new members can focus more on the feedback and not be distracted by new tooling, but would love to make sure we’re set up in Charmverse before the end of the season.


Agree let’s do Sheets this cycle and iterate.

The Charmverse process will look like this:

  1. Each member logs in to Charmverse
  2. I create a DAB role
  3. I give you Admin access to the space to have full control
  4. We add the DAB vote/feedback to the Charmverse application workflow
  5. We create a DAB dashboard where you can assign or they can pick applications to review.