Code of Conduct Council Nominations: Season 5

Token House Council Self-Nomination - teresacd

If you are a delegate, please provide the link to your delegate commitment: N/A

If you are a delegate, please indicate what % of votable supply is delegated to you: N/A

If you are a delegate, please indicate your voting participation rate in OP governance to date: N/A

Please link to your voting history and any voting rationale you’ve shared: N/A

Please outline any other contributions to the Optimism ecosystem to date:

  1. Mission Lead for Optimistic Womxn Shinning in Blockchain ([FINAL] Optimistic Womxn Shining in Blockchain)
  2. Retro PGF2 Recipient- H.E.R. DAO LATAM

Have you attended GravityDAO’s conflict resolution training?: Update: In progress

If so, what was the most impactful learning you took away from this training?: TBD

Please demonstrate any experience you believe is relevant to this role:

As an attorney, even though my main area of practice has been corporate and commercial law, including litigation in this field, I have previous experience both in a law firm and as part of a civil society organization, litigating in two areas I consider relevant for this role: family law and victim advocacy for victims of gender-based violence.

I consider this experience to be highly relevant because it has taught me how to analyze evidence. Also, in family law, all cases require prior mediation before starting a judicial process.

I also consider important to this role my experience as a contributor to various Web3 organizations, including my role as coordinator for the BanklessDAO Legal Guild for 2 Seasons.

Also, my deep understanding of Optimism´s governance, as I have had the chance to attend and give workshops & 1:1 consultancies to individuals and projects interested in participating in the Optimism Collective through the Mission I led, Optimistic Womxn Shinning in Blockchain.

My interest and experience, both inside and outside the crypto legal space, makes me genuinely interested in participating in an experiment like the Code of Conduct Council.

Have you previously served on a Token House Council or committee?: No

Please disclose any anticipated conflicts of interest: None

Please verify that you agree to abide by the Code of Conduct 2: I agree

Please verify that you understand KYC will be required to receive Council rewards at the end of Season 5: I do.

Please verify that you are able to commit ~5 hours/week, on average, to processing Code of Conduct violations and reporting enforcement actions to the community: I´m able to.