Anticapture Commission Communication Thread

Updates - Voting Cycle #19

During past cycles, the Anticapture Commission engaged in discussions about security. In voting cycles #17 and #18, the Anticapture Lead manually casts votes on Agora, given the current setup of the multisig is 1/2 (with the Lead & the FND gov Safe). We presented multiple options to prevent a scenario in which the Lead executes a vote not aligned with the public results of the Snapshot:

  1. Implementing a member multisig and altering the setup to include this multisig. After finalizing the proposal on Snapshot, the ACC will submit the vote as a transaction through the member multisig. Concerns include:
  • Potential delays in obtaining signatures within the one-week voting period (for Snapshot proposal finalization and multisig transaction submission).
  • The operational overhead for the Foundation and commission members in managing direct voting via multisig.
  1. Discontinuing the use of Snapshot and directly voting on Safe with the multisig member. Each member can accept or reject the transaction.
  • The main concern is the diffusion of responsibility when using only the multisig to vote, as opposed to platforms like Snapshot, Tally, or Jokerace, which provide transparent records.
  1. Utilizing Snapshot for off-chain decisions, such as defining the frequency of ACC calls, and using multisig for on-chain decisions.

  2. Exploring tools like UMA’s oSnap or Hats Protocol + Safe for enhanced voting mechanisms.

  3. Converting the current multisig to a 2 of 3 arrangement with FND, the ACC Lead, and another multisig address comprising all ACC members as signers, with a 9/21 threshold. It would be structured as follows:

Multisig #1 (current Multisig) 2/3:

  • OP FND
  • ACC Lead
  • ACC members multisig

Multisig #2 (ACC members Multisig) 9/21:

  • All ACC members
  • OP FND (for maintenance)
  1. Continuing as is, placing trust in the Lead not to vote against the ACC’s consensus.

In this voting cycle, we tested UMA’s oSnap. However, it proved confusing, requiring two transactions per Agora proposal—one to vote “For” and one to vote “Against”—and only executing upon reaching quorum. We did not achieve quorum for voting cycle #19, acknowledging this as our oversight. Feedback has been provided to UMA’s team regarding our use case.

Discussions continue on finding the right balance between speed, ease, and security.

Currently, the Lead, with the Foundation’s support, is recalculating the ACC membership as outlined in the Lead’s responsibilities:

You can watch the recording of our last internal meeting here.

For Voting Cycle #20, Gene will replace Teresa as representative of the Code of Conduct Council in the Anticapture Commission.