Accountability of Phase 0/1 Funds given to projects

That is a good question, and this is what I was thinking.

For integration fund, one example will be Infinity Wallet proposal where 80% is going for dev and integration - Let’s say project A is giving some incentive to project B for their integration, in this case I think it would not be a problem to share their address as both are public application.

For marketing and content creation (for example 80% Marketing proposal of Kromatika Proposal): - This depends on content creator(s), if they are willing to make their address public then the project can share otherwise sharing address is against privacy.
But then in this case, at least they can share the content that was created, and the token distributed.

For airdrop and incentive for LP, they dont need to share the addresses as the number will be huge but here, I am thinking about a dashboard (Dune may be) where I can filter the data on weekly/monthly time frame.

For Development Budget (such as candide wallet ):- Again, it depends on individual developer if s/he is willing to share their address otherwise the project team need to share their combined monthly overall spending.

There are many proposal that falls under those category, I am using those names as I was actively involved there.

What do you think? How can be get collect the data without compromising privacy ?