Working Constitution of the Optimism Collective

Great start. Excited to add value to the collective.

Proud to be here ,I bought some OP, hoping to stake

I wrote my post because I think that the people who founded this project had their own vision on these issues, studied them deeply, have some rationale and I am very interested in listening to them.
I am frustrated by superficial, non-detailed explanations and comments

I don’t understand blockchain technology very well, and do I understand correctly that optimism is a layer-2 blockchain that wants to scale ethereum and distribute income from it to public goods?
And distribution goals should be determined by the community?

I do not have ready answers to all questions, but I want to try to study it all and understand
It would be interesting to discuss


Thank you, mate, for great questions and sorry they haven’t been answered yet

Hello! Sorry it has taken so long for a response, as you can see things are very busy.

I can’t answer all your questions, but I can answer some of them.

Who are citizens?

Citizens are probably going to be members of the sub-communities within Optimism (i.e active community members from dapps deployed on Optimism). It is very important that one Citizen is one human, which is why there is so much discussion about identity solutions.

What are the mutual rights and obligations of citizens, boards, members of the community?

There are a few questions rolled up here, so I am only going to answer about the Citizens. The rights and obligations of Citizens is to distribute funding to public goods. This will include researching nominated projects to make informed decisions, much like the delegates.

What are the mechanisms to overcome plutocracy?

Citizens are not using tokens to vote (which can be bought). Instead each Citizen represents one human, as such rights to Citizenship cannot be bought. This of course does not prevent bribery of the person, but there are structures that can be put in place to minimise this risk and increase the β€œcost” of accepting bribes.

How will the community generate social value, benefit, how to make a profit?

Again there are a few questions here, but the main point is, what is paying for public goods? The sequencer profits! The sequencer generates a decent amount of profit, which is being allocated to public goods funding.

I know I did not answer all of your questions, but we have written lots of information you can read deeper into that will hopefully answer your questions.


its been a great pleasure to be apart of this big move

I love this. I’m fully optimistic


glad to be part of OP world

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Thank you very much for your reply and your time
Seems like an interesting concept, good luck with it
I will study your documents

hate de voir sa en pratique;)

Glad to be here! Looking forward to participate.

I see many optimistic people here in the optimism community. Glad to be part of this!

This is a good strategy

so excited to be here !

I’m truly happy to be part of such a thoroughly thought project.

I’m very excited to be here. Hope everything pass well.

really excited. Stay strong and do your best.

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Grind through the launch

Ok, feeling optimistic on that

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