Web3Magnetic - Delegate Communication Thread

Delegate Name: web3magnetic.eth

EOA: 0x8c580556fdb1f57853e49f409ae9b89f7658e7a2

Delegate Profile on Agora: https://vote.optimism.io/delegates/web3magnetic.eth

Twitter: web3magnetic

I am an individual and independent delegate in the Optimism Collective. I have served in the Anti-capture Committee in Seasons 5 and 6. My skills and areas of expertise include Treasury management, Legal research, community engagement research.

Delegate / Contact

  • If you would like to delegate your OP to me, please delegate to our address here: web3magnetic.eth (0x8c580556fdb1f57853e49f409ae9b89f7658e7a2) through the Optimism Agora Portal
  • If you would like to chat with me, please feel free to reach out over DM here, or on Twitter (X).
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Updates for Voting Cycle #24

On 16 July 2024,

In Mission Requests: Intent #1, 500k OP, I have voted for all the proposals as I believe they progress the Optimism Collective towards the goal of the intent i.e. technical decentralization.

In Mission Requests: Intent #3A, 6M OP, I have voted for Requests 5 to 16, as these projects have the biggest scope for growing the developer community directly on Optimism.

In Mission Requests: Intent #3B, 12M OP, I have voted For the proposal to grow the developer community across OP Superchains.