Thank you.
Regarding the use of OP tokens: I acknowledge that the decision to use a portion of the OP tokens as collateral on Sonne to generate yield was made with the intent to increase available funds for refunding gas fees to Optimism users. This decision was made without the intention of violating the initial grant conditions. All proceeds were transferred back to the multisig wallet.
Concerning the project sale and the use of the Ally wallet: The consideration to sell the project was viewed as an opportunity to preserve and further develop it. All communications regarding this matter were transparent and coordinated with community members. Palash and Kellen were informed that we want to sell the company, and they provided us with instructions on what to do next. The Ally project was unrelated to the OP grant conditions. Any actions within this project were conducted separately from the grant funds and on different blockchains.
Furthermore, I understand that the transfer to Sonne was a misuse of the grant, but I believe it constitutes a minor violation, given that we had good intentions and did not alter the grant usage plans.
I also want to highlight that accusations against other projects and personal actions not directly related to the use of OP grant funds should not be considered in this discussion. This could violate the anonymity and objectivity-oriented process established for addressing grant misuse cases.
In conclusion, I am open to further dialogue and ready to provide any additional evidence and explanations necessary to resolve this issue. My goal is to uphold principles of transparency and accountability to the Optimism community.