Transitioning to On-Chain Voting

Let the best solution win. We can just try and fail, try and succeed repeat over and over again.


Is the front-end and solidity contract code open source? If so, where can we find it?


vote not on snapshot,on optimism,this is right

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I think this transition is quite important and definitely has its advantages (as well as disadvantages for those who like Snapshot)

Thanks for this opportunity and actually switching to Agora gives a much more convenient use of Governance rights imo


The new user interface looks good.
I love that the voting location is a subdomain of

I just appear to have been 17 hours late, and missed the Test Vote :grimacing:

Looking forward to the first post-test proposals.

EDIT: OP Governance Calendar? Where have you been all my life!?!?!?!


Just wanted to say that Optimism is such an awesome community…
It’s been a pleasure for our team interacting and working with the community here while building Agora, everyone’s so friendly, positive and helpful – from the Foundation to the people that I out-of-the-blue DM who responds back to me — thank you :heart:

Optimism Agora is still in beta and by no means a complete product. There’s still a ton of work left to be done, and improvements to be made. We’ve heard so much great feedback and want to implement all those changes. So we’ve made a separate thread here to help consolidate all the feedback and keep the community up to date as we make improvements and updates to!

Thank you for being part of this journey with us since the early beta to building a first-class experience for Optimism.