Token House participation and incentives: an extended analysis

Hey @Joxes , as always, thanks for the great insight and thoroughness of this. I was looking to share my similar thoughts in the Feedback Thread , but since you’ve already begun the discussion with data to back it up I wanted to share more insight ( although I spot a typo in my delegate name :smile: ).

As seen with the activity of Season 4, I currently don’t believe the Token House is scalable. Compared to any governance protocol I have participated in or followed, this missions cycle had the most amount of work that had to be checked by (mostly) volunteers in the relatively limited voting period of 4 weeks. This leads to every delegate having to make a choice: is it better to go through many proposals quickly, or go thoroughly through a few?

Personally, I thought it was better to go for the latter, not only to help the applicants but to point to other delegates on things to watch out for before approving similar proposals (many missions from the same intent shared very similar content from each other). However, this ended up being much more time consuming than initially expected, with my usual allocated time for delegation barely being enough to ask questions to 4 proposals and approve 1.

Also worth noting here that currently the foundation is planning to discontinue the protocol delegate programme by the end of S4, guaranteeing at least a 20% decrease in active delegates with more than .25% of voting power by S5 ceteris paribus. I obviously would prefer a non-protocol delegate to decide whether a solution is even needed for this, but it’s a given that this change will decrease the pool of approving delegates even further.

Although not relevant anymore starting from S5, also worth noting that protocol delegates were excluded from these rewards, this is something that I brought up before in the past as a potential reason for lack of protocol delegate activity (as all protocol delegates have at least 1 other project to devote to full-time)

Whether better delegation rewards is the way to go or not I think it’s best to let other users decide, but in its current state, I really believe that we have to find a way to make becoming a (relevant) delegate less of an uphill and unproductive battle than it currently is, as this could bring issues to the proposed bicameral system .

I am hoping this is just an issue of awareness and the new misisons dedicated to this solve it, but it’s always best to plan for failsafes in case this is not the case!

Personally disagree with this, especially since the Token House and Citizen Houses are supposed to oversee each other. Citizens giving RPGF to ‘good’ delegates is very subjective, and could quickly devolve to favoritism and both houses getting tied together in ways I do not feel comfortable.