The Aether: Beyond Infinity

Introduction about Myself
My name is Pujith Sivaraj, I am 22 years old, and I have been in the blockchain space since 2020. I am from Srilanka Ayubowan ! , I have a bachelor’s degree in software engineering and 4 years’ experience in Sales & Marketing fields and I like basketball just the same as Art, my passion into it made me win major events in art competition and nowadays i more into Spiritualty.

Points needed for a proper proposal project:
1. What is the background?
2. What is the main source of flywheel?
3. How is it beneficial to the community?
4. What is the difference between existing Projects?

This is a Family Project where my cousin and I came up with a new different tech-based Art and the Project is a very Well planned & dedicated as it is developing and building for two years learning from the major Bluechips (The mistake they have made is easy for us to overcome).

It is Based on Comics and there will be a series with a lot of features.

This is a Multichain Airdrop (Total 3 chains) for the edition holders where the (Chain names First letter comes into play) For instance Oedition = Optimism Edition

We have currently made it into Two chains (Zora & Optimism).

We have sold our editions to 108 unique holders (At the time of submission) all free mint in Zora Chain and we are growing, and this is happened from the start date of 25th of December 2023 also the main Drop (Aether) will be in Optimism Chain.

The Price are low and free compared to other NFT this is because we want to inspire creators to build for free or low so this will help build a good relationship with community.

From nothing to a Blue chip will be mind blowing.

We will do one more chain before the last Airdrop in Optimism.

Aether Oedition Summary (Ongoing + Drop)
The Aether Oedition on the Optimism Blockchain is an early access drop for the original Drop Aether (Which will be dropped in Optimism chain). Your Aether Oedition triples as holders get airdropped with the original drop → Which will benefit through members-only benefits, to the comic series, the game with the series drop, and early access to the future collab projects. Community authorization (Decentralization) DAO and perks can be unlocked with the roadmap release.

The Aether Zedition Summary (Ongoing + Drop in Optimism Chain)
The Aether Zedition on the Zora Blockchain is an early access drop for the original Drop (Aether). Your Aether Zedition triples as holders get early access to the original drop → Which will benefit through members-only benefits, to the comic series without any cost, the game with the series drop, and early access to the future collab projects. Community authorization (Decentralization) DAO and perks can be unlocked with the roadmap release.

Detailed Link: How the main problem & Benefits.

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We are creating a new revolution within the NFT Space.

First New Tech is the best innovation making history in each chains.


Beyond Infinity

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Is this a Grant Proposal? Or just an advert?

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It is a grant proposal.
To create a new concept in the NFT space. :wink:

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I think maybe you should have a read of:

and then consider if/where your project could fit into the collective intents: