Season 7 Feedback Thread

This feedback thread is for governance participants to provide feedback on Season 7.

Please leave constructive feedback so we keep the signal to noise ratio high in here! All forum engagement is subject to the Forum Rules of Engagement


Greetings, Optimism Community!

I am very grateful for the opportunity to provide feedback at the GovNERD Core Season 7 election.

Here are some suggestions from me:

  1. Make sure first whether the winning candidate is experienced or has active performance in Governance Optimism (GovNERD).
  2. Perhaps the GovNERD Core election system in the future will be carried out openly so that all candidates can see it. What values or criteria are used to determine the winners?
  3. With the goal of being better and developing, it should give opportunities to candidates who are committed and serious to get a role in Governance, sometimes they lose in popularity and do not have a role in the field of Optimism Governance.
  4. Honestly, as a GovNERD Core applicant, I was initially very happy with the information about Registration to look for 9 GovNERD Core, but the fact is that the winner was only 6 out of 15 candidates.
  5. Maybe in the future Optimism Governance will open up new roles and provide opportunities for candidates who do not yet have a Governance role, so that they are enthusiastic and committed to advancing together in Optimism.

Even if I fail this time I will try again in the next period, always Optimistic.

Warm greetings from me, Thank You.