Season 7 Anticapture Commission Charter Amendment

I will share some context of the ACC’s role:

Ideally the ACC should have participation from very high context Delegates to share their inputs on all aspects of the collective from technical upgrades, decentralization, capture resistance mechanisms across the L2 space, etc so that the collective can benefit from their domain expertize. So for instance in S6, apart from voting on proposals throughout the season, based on inputs from various ACC members, the ACC was able to identify and document technical concerns with the removal of fraud proofs during the Graphite Upgrade proposal, and through the season also identify points of failure with Agora voting mechanism. For both these instances, the ACC documented the issues and proposed solutions. In Season 7, part of the ACC Charter is to assist with the Milestone Based Decetralization Framework, which addresses a path towards decentralization gradually decentralizing all aspects of Optimism. In this scenario, different delegates may be able to advise in domains where they have subject matter expertise.

Now based on the Season 6 Retro Participation Rewards, a non-ACC Top 100 Delegate will qualify for 6000 OP while ACC member Delegates will qualify for 9000 OP. There is a 3000 OP additional reward for being a member of the ACC for the entire season, over the retro governance participation reward for just participation in voting cycles. This may not incentivize top delegates with important contextual inputs to be a part of and contribute to the ACC.

I agree that the highly engaged Citizens reward seem on the lower end.

Future reward design space ideation could consider:

  1. Having a bigger proportion of Retro Governance Participation Rewards to top 100 delegates flow through ACC, this may incentivize current top 100 non-ACC delegates to be part of the ACC and share their input on various aspects of governance.
  2. Have a separate budget for the ACC and/or have a finders incentives for identifying points of capture and ways to mitigate capture, as @spengrah has suggested in the CFC Feedback.
  3. For Citizens, specific Retro Funding Rounds for Citizens where the High Impact Citizens are rewarded proportionally based on their work.
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