On behalf of the @Codeofconduccouncil, we want to thank Bubli and contributors interested in supporting the Code of Conduct.
We have spent a session discussing in what potential ways non-elected members could have assisted, but considering the current workload of the council, we could not find any direct work that could be delegated to more members.
As discussed by all members, the current Code of Conduct Council structure was elected from a renewed version following feedback from Delegates, with a focus on governance minimisation. This, along with the new scope of the council this season to only enforce Rules of Engagement, has made it challenging to introduce additional ways of participation.
Considering we are already halfway through Season 6, we believe that the best way forward would be to focus ahead on the upcoming Season 7 and reflection period. This can be thinking of ways that the new council could be run, as well as individual governance contributions which could be related to the same ideals as the CoCC , but funded under RPGF.
I hope this explanation has been clear, and let me know if you have additional questions!