[REVIEW] [GF: Phase 1 Proposal] Tarot

The defi shadow committeewhich is not an official committeesupports this proposal in principle.

We think this proposal is promising as a catalyst for substantial growth in use and economic multipliers for neighboring protocols, and we believe the emphasis on providing LP support for TAROT is a clever, cost-efficient means of incentivizing non-LP yield generation and potentially introducing new connections to other financial activities.

We believe that @katie and DeFi committee A rejecting this proposal because it deals with a native token is missing the forest for the trees. It is also puzzling that the same committee supported without reservation Kromatika’s own proposal, which does the same thing—uses both protocol-owned-liquidity and liquidity incentivization of its native token $KROM—with less justification. We will publish our own review of this other proposal shortly.

Would still like to see a breakdown of Tarot’s intended dev activities, though, and we agree that the term of the distribution is far too long.