[REVIEW] [GF: Phase 1 Proposal] dHEDGE (v2 revised)

Vote: Yes

Rationale: After the revisions, we are happy to support this proposal. They have a clear plan on token distribution with co-incentives too.

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Snapshot vote - passed

@Cyrus can you provide a Telegram handle or other contact method so the Optimism team can get in touch about paying out this grant! Feel free to comment on this thread, DM, or email palash@optimism.io

Hi @Cyrus! It’s been a few month since your OP grant was distributed, checking in to see if there is a grant update you could share with the community?

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Gm @lavande Happy to share the update from dHEDGE.

The last few months we have been working on building out the infrastructure on the most effective and efficient way to distribute the OP for the investors in the whitelisted dHEDGE pools. Along with the process for dHEDGE Managers to apply to be whitelisted. This distribution is now ready to go and the 70% portion of the grant will begin distribution at the end of January. This will allow us to build a steady stream of content throughout January to amplify and increase awareness of this. EG Tweet Thread