RetroPGF Round 3 Feedback Thread

Just to coin in here. I haven’t been on the forum in a bit because I’ve had a really hard year and the grieving process has taken a toll.

I agree with the points that RPGF needs improvements, but I also think it is important that we make strides toward the change we want to see instead of waiting for the change to happen.

As an applicant for this round, I am discouraged by the current results but I have faith we may meet quorum and that others will get the recognition they deserve as well, even if it’s not this round.

One thing I’d like to point out, it takes courage to apply to any round or for any type of funding. For others it’s easier, for those with charisma and marketing skills it’s also easier.

Raising funds is simply not easy for everyone, but RPGF is meant to be accessible, not within arms reach and floated like a carrot.

We didn’t apply previously as we already don’t feel like we contribute enough compared to popular projects and known brands. Even though we dedicate 99% of our time and resources to developing open source and publicly accessible goods and services. (1% spent touching grass)

We made the decision not to apply for Round 2 and instead worked tirelessly and put our best efforts toward creating impact— knowing we would shoot for Round 3.

Now, RPGF feels skewed and personally, a bit like a popularity contest.

Since we started our project we’ve put every dime we have toward building for the public and in public. It really does feel like at some point we should of tried harder to just raise capital and sell out. Instead, we have debt from borrowing and have actual overhead because our office space is open for the public and anyone can use it to access technology. And, we don’t ask for any money for providing a safe space to grow.

I’ve lost track of the number of people we’ve helped within our community or green pilled with what it means to build in Web3. But, none of that has added up to anywhere near the ‘impact’ supposedly created by other projects.

Not sure, how many projects can claim their users are actually real? or that they interact with real people on a day to day and inform them of what Web3 really is? What is being built with blockchain and cryptography.

Not, ‘incentives’ in the form of token handouts because woah APR is high, let me deposit and farm :fire:

Not sure how yield farming is really considered proof of impact aside from sequencer revenue getting compounded and then shovelled back into the farms. But MoAr TxNs. Unreal.

What about bank statements? Proof of Expenses etc.

Edit: Project didn’t make quorum.