RetroPGF Round 3 Feedback Thread

Here’s what I would love to see in RPGF4, to make the voting experience better. Ordered in order of priority:

  1. We should have the option to write notes on applications for ourselves (i.e. non public). And e.g. have buttons to indicate if we want to vote for them or not (“Yes”, “No”, “Maybe” or blank), and then use that to filter applications. E.g. some projects I could see right away I didnt want to vote for, and I wanted to be able to mark them as “No” to hide them going forward. This would allow me to rely less on working on my own Excel sheet.
  2. Import allocations via csv
  3. I would love to see something like Twitter’s “Community notes”, or more specifically, badgeholder notes, on application pages themselves. E.g. there were a number of projects that did not list all their funding, I would like to be able to publicly add a note to that section and include sources showing that they raised more money. Sure this stuff can be brought up in forums or Telegram instead, but it gets lost. Put it right on the application itself.

Shout out to Jonas and LauNaMu for being amazing stewards of this process, loved how hands on you were with badgeholders!