Retro Funding 5: OP Stack - round details

Round sizing update

The Foundation initially set the rounds token allocation to 8M. The application process saw a lower than expected turnout, raising concerns that 8M OP is disproportionate to the impact that is being rewarded within the round. To allow for the adjustment of the token allocation, this round introduces an experiment in community-lead budget allocation.

Citizens will vote on the round’s OP allocation within the rounds voting experience. The Foundation is assigning a minimum OP Amount for the round of 2M OP and a maximum OP amount of 8m OP. Citizens will be able to vote for an OP amount within the range of minimum and maximum which they believe appropriately rewards the impact within the round. The round allocation will be decided by taking the median of Citizens’ votes.

The voting on the rounds OP allocation is an experiment in community-lead budget allocation.
The outcomes of this experiment will inform the evolution of the budgeting process in the future, which is subject to change based on learnings.

Round timeline update

To allow for more testing and support of the additional scope in community-led budgeting, the voting process will start on September 30th