Retro Funding 5: Announcing Guest Voter Participation

I would like to clarify that these views are my own and do not reflect those of the Grants Council or Govnerds.

I was not part of the decision-making process to define “Profit,” and I disagreed with the outcome during the Citizens’ vote.

In Retro Funding 5, a random sample of ~90 existing Citizens will be asked to participate in voting.

As a committed Citizen, I have participated and voted in every RetroPGF round. I appreciate the process, even when it was time-consuming in RPGF3. RPGF4 was more streamlined, making the voting process quicker and easier. Therefore, I am puzzled by the introduction of a random sampling approach. During the “Profit” experiment, I chose to be silent and observe the sampling process and noted that its ratification did not succeed.

Why not make participation an “opt-in” process or exclude Citizens who did not participate in previous rounds if the current number of participants is too large to manage effectively?

Why aren’t Citizens asked if they want a sampling, opt-in, or full participation?