Programs researching intra-Superchain bridging

Hi I’m Max, an ambassador from Hop. I was wondering where I can learn more about the work going into bridging between two Superchain chains. Relatedly, is there a forum similar to this one but for developers?


Hey Max!

I was wondering where I can learn more about the work going into bridging between two Superchain chains.

There isn’t such ongoing work that I’m aware of, though I am no longer part of OP Labs so I might not know what’s going on behind the scenes.

I had some thoughts on the topic that I shared at Devcon last year:

I do know that Optimism and OP Labs are currently seeking feedback about the characteristics that projects would like to see in a superchain interop/bridge framework.

Relatedly, is there a forum similar to this one but for developers?

Not that I am aware of, so probably no. There is a telegram group where useful info is exchanged regarding running nodes, but not developer stuff proper.


All super helpful, I really appreciate it! I’m reading your thread now and will let you know if I have any questions.