OP grants through Season 2: where has the OP gone?

Slingshot - Cycle 1


[GF: Phase 0 Proposal] Slingshot]([GF: Phase 0 Proposal] Slingshot

Summary: 300k OP for volume-based discounts.

Continuing the discussion from [GF: Phase 0 Proposal] Slingshot:


7/8 foundation sends 300k OP to Slingshot multisig 0x9D439E524F214Fb0cb5fA42030E578F60E64D98C

8/26 Slingshot multisig sends 25,653 OP to merkle distributor 0x307c3487e0165a6cfc384165d2d914a034ac8c90

The distributor sends 2608 txs to unique addresses of amts of 1,3,6, and 12 OP.
3,313 OP remaining.

8/27 Slingshot msig sends 13,942 OP to merkle distributor 0x3dea6da7cdad789e6d947c3e983ab4f996a7bbc1
Same but to 1,215 addresses, 2,275 OP remaining.

9/1 sends 3,738 OP to merkle distributor 0xa46fd59672434d1917972f1469565baeb57ed204
Same but 933 addresses
1,081 OP remaining.

9/30 sends 81,480 OP to unverified distributor 0x407da3E66095e28852774D5B88A575D75FDc6af4
same as above but for 3,855 addresses and now at values of 25, 5, and 1 OP
4,717 OP remaining here.

10/12 sends 9,522 OP to unverified distributor 0x6053cbeb363A0b4a07b1EBCC7C8c3863ff546F7C
Same as above but amounts of 2 OP, 6 OP, and 12 OP to 1359 wallets.
5,740 OP remaining here.

There are 165,665 OP remaining in the main multisig, which after roughly 3 months puts this grant more or less on track timewise.

There are three wallets that participated in each of these but they appear to be test wallets, and in any case the compensations were for tiny amounts.


This program appears to have been more or less followed to the letter.

The next step of analysis for this (and, really, any other grant) would be to assess the efficacy of these handouts. I believe that it ought to be feasible to do some basic statistics given the final addresses distributed to: is there sibyl risk, were these wallets activated, did they participate in other incentives as well.