Looking Ahead: Long-term Onchain Governance Architecture

Hi @Agora, thanks for presenting the issues with current and future on chain governance.

Regarding Permissionless proposal submissions.

Development of an auto-ranking proposal system is within the data science capability.

The way it would work is that OF et al would craft a vision/goal document. That document would be NLP processed as a consensus node. Each proposal would then be compared to the consensus node to determine a similarity score from 0-1. SimScores closer to 1 are closer to the consensus node, meaning they are more highly prioritized than the other proposals. By ranking the proposals in this way, the gateway to onchain voting could be related to the DAOs capacity to make decisions.

Here is a visual of what it could look like.

In this case the top priority proposal would have a 0.78 similarity score…meaning that the proposal most closely aligns with the DAOs goals.

Here is a dynamic view:


We are working on an API that could be integrated into your governance system if interested.
