Joint House Community Call [January 28th 14:00 ET, 19:00 UTC, 20:00 CET]


Here is a summary of what happened on the Joint House Community Call this morning for those who were unable to attend. :slight_smile:

Key Announcements

  • :ballot_box: Voting Cycle 32 kicks off in just two days—get ready!

  • :scroll: The Superchain Registry 2.0 upgrade proposal is in motion, and it needs four delegate approvals by tomorrow (19:00 GMT).

  • :money_with_wings: Applications for “user incentive initiatives” open on January 30 with the Grants Council—so mark your calendars and start preparing!
    This is: projects that have a plan to grow TVL across the Superchain utilizing user incentives grants (in OP).
    → List of chains that qualify for these user incentives (S7 Eligibility column): Superchain Index | Superchain Eco

Retro Funding Season 7 Updates

@Jonas shared some exciting changes to the Retro Funding program:

  • Two key missions: On-Chain Builders and Developer Tooling, each with a significant 8 million OP budget.
  • New evaluation algorithms are being introduced to improve how we evaluate contributions, with monthly iteration cycles to refine the process.

Election Results

Congratulations to the newly elected members of the Developer Advisory Board, the Grants Council and the Security Council (Cohort B).
You can check all election results in @Agora website.

GovNERD & other contribution paths’ opportunities

This call was a great reminder of how far we’ve come as a community—and how much exciting work lies ahead. Let’s keep the momentum going!

What are your thoughts on today’s updates? Share them below! :star2: